Chapter 20 - A Mother's Love

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Erik's POV:

I stared down at my second child. It was perfectly still and I knew in an instant that it was dead. I took it gently from my mother's arms and held it. It was the spitting image of Christine. There was no deformity at all. It was my little Esmeralda. I held her close and listened as Mother said,

“Erik, she is dead. I can't find a heartbeat. If there is one it is failing.” I laid my head on my little girl's chest and listened. Inside I heard a faint beating. It was slow and lacked any hope. But my heart was awake with it. I quickly started something I had learned in Persia. When I was done I listened again. The heartbeat was stronger but still faint and lifeless. I walked over to Christine and handed her Esmeralda.

“Nurse her, Christine.” She looked at me in shock but did as I said. I took the other from her and sat down. The one in my arms was a boy. Emmanuel. My little Emmanuel. I was a father. It then struck me that I hadn't felt panic during the whole ordeal with Esmeralda. It had been like my heart and mind were completely separated. My heart was panicking but my mind didn't know that. I rocked my lovely son and touched his nose gently. It was perfect. My children hadn't gotten my deformity and for that I was grateful. I looked over at Christine trying to get Esmeralda to eat. I blushed under the mask and looked away. That was awkward. It was then I realized something. Neither of my children had cried. That is the one thing my mother told me. She said I never had cried.

I suddenly remembered my sister and looked around for her. She was standing in the corner and not saying a word. Her face was pale and I called her over softly. She walked over to me and I handed her her new nephew. She stared at his face and smiled.

“He is beautiful.” I nodded. I looked around me. I had a mother, a sister, a wife, and two children. This was what I hadn't ever had back in the opera house. I had been alone. Now I had a family. I walked over to Christine and tried not to blush. I reached for Esmeralda and listened a heartbeat. It was stronger now but it would be many days before she was strong. I handed her back to Christine and took one long look at my lovely wife. Even after sixteen and a half hours of labor she was still beautiful. I didn't deserve the woman in front of me. I didn't deserve any of it. But I wasn't going to let it go. I may not deserve it but I wanted it. I leaned down and kissed her gently on the forehead.

“Christine, you need to rest with the children. Esmeralda will live, I hope. Emmanuel is fine. You just rest. You have done a beautiful thing, Christine. I love you.” She smiled as I handed Emmanuel to her. She held one in each arm and collapsed into a sound sleep. I watched her for a moment before walking out of the room. Andria stayed in the room but Mother followed me out. I stood in the doorway of my house and felt her presence behind me. I heard her clear her throat.

“Erik, I need to say something. I know you probably won't believe me but...” she trailed off. I turned toward her and said,

“What, Mother?” She looked up at me and took off the mask. She had gotten completely used to my face. She accepted it after all these years.

“Erik, I love you. I shouldn't have abandoned you like I did. I didn't want to accept that you were my son. I wanted someone who was like your father. But, now, I realize how much you were like your father. You have his brilliance. His talents. His spirit. I am sorry, Erik. I was horribly in the wrong.” Mother bowed her head and I said,

“You love me?” It was completely impossible. She might regret her decision but to love me was another thing completely. She hadn't ever cared about me. I was the monster that she wouldn't own as her's. Mother nodded. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes as she said,

“I love you.” I wrapped my arms around her and felt tears coming from my own eyes. Today was perfect. I had two beautiful children and my mother loved me. My mother loved me. That was the best part. She actually cared what happened to me. That night when I laid down next to Christine, I looked over at her and brushed a lock of hair away from her face. Who ever knew it could be a happy ending for a monster. But it was. I pulled her close to me and whispered,

“You are my life, Christine. You mean more to me than my music. The word 'love' doesn't even begin to describe what I feel for you.” I kissed her forehead and fell asleep, dreaming about the fairy tale my life was turning out to be. It was perfect.


Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

I hope you weren't too disappointed that Esmeralda didn't die. I couldn't kill her in the end. I just couldn't do that. I liked her too much. I do love cliffhangers so I got one. They are sooooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!!


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