10/ Earth 616

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I'm writing this at 11:00 pm with a face mask on that's burning my eyes. So you can see where I'm at right now 👍🏻

You sat up. You were back on earth 616, in your boyfriends bed. He wasn't there. The bed was still warm, like maybe he'd gotten up to go to the bathroom. You stood up, put his shorts on, and walked over to the bathroom. He wasn't there either.

You silently crept out the door, and down to the training deck. You figured that punching something would take your mind off of your nightmare. You pushed the door to the gym open, tightening the string on the inside of Steve's shorts. You pulled your hair up into a ponytail. You looked up and saw Steve facing away from you, punching a bag.

You smiled softly, knowing that he only did this when he has a nightmare. You walked over to the side, folding your arms in front of you. Steve looked angry. You leaned back on the wall, watching him silently. The bag went flying. It hit the wall, bouncing back to the floor. He took a step back, panting. "Baby..." you said. "What's the matter?" You said, walking over to him. You pushed a piece of his hair back up, your hands coming to rest on his shoulders. "I couldn't sleep." He said. "Bad dream?" You asked. "No... I don't know what it was." He said. "Why are you up?" He asked, walking over to the towel rack, wiping the sweat from his face.

"I had a bad dream. More like a lucid dream." You said. "What happened?" He asked. "I woke up in my apartment, but it was in the 40's. I was all decked out in 40's clothes too." You said. Steve smiled. "Bet you'd like to see that." You scrunched your nose. "What else?" He asked. "Everything was on fire. I ran outside, and I was in my suit, red streaks and all. But then Red Skull was there. We talked for awhile, then he started firing at me, so I grabbed my gun... and I killed... I killed him." You looked up at him.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "I was more worried that you weren't in bed with me when I woke up." You smiled softly. "What time is it?" You asked. "Six." He said. "Well there's no point in going back to sleep. Might as well get a few licks in." You said. "Um...
Y/n?" You turned back. "Can you take your hair down for me?" He asked. Confused, you reached up and pulled your hair down. "There's more red streaks now." He said. You walked over to the mirror, and saw that your single red streak had turned into multiple smaller ones. "Huh." Steve walked up behind you. "Does it look bad?" You asked. Steve moved your hair out of the way, "Never." He kissed your neck. "Oh ew ew ew you're sweaty get off." You laughed. "Are those my clothes?" He asked. "N...o...." you said. "I was half naked okay! Your shirts were the first thing I saw!" You said, looking down.

"You're so cute." He chuckled. "Hey doll... why don't we go up to the roof...n watch the sunrise?" He said, pulling you close. "Mmm.. okay. But let me take you down first?" You smiled. "Fine." He walked over to the mat. You ran to the lockers, opening yours up, grabbing your spandex. You took Steve's shorts off, making sure he was watching, and you put the spandex on instead. You threw his shorts at him. While he was distracted, you ran at him, jumping into his arms, maneuvering up to his shoulders. You took his head in your hands, and threw your body weight backwards, but before Steve could fall, his hands moved your legs apart slightly. He fell down, head between your legs. "I win." You said. "No I think I won." He kissed the elastic of your spandex. "No. Not now." You flicked him.

"Ok now can we go watch the sunrise?" He asked. "Okay come on." You got up. You walked to the elevator, your hand in Steve's. You walked into the elevator, pressing the roof button. Steve leaned back against the rail, and you went to hug him. "Mmm... you're so warm." You relaxed against him. "You wanna know something?" He ran his fingers through your hair. "I admire your strength." He said. "Physical? Or mental." You looked up at him. "Both. I admire that you were able to adapt and learn so quickly in training." He said. "And I really really admire that even with moving across dimensions, going to another world, finding out that the craziest villain was your grandfather, and having nightmares... you've kept your cool." He said. "Well, there's not really much I can do to change any of that... so I might as well just go with it. Sure it's hard, and scary, and it's not something I want to deal with, but it's out of my capabilities." You said.

"Me and Bucky have nightmares all the time. When he first got to the tower he would sleep in my room when the nightmares got bad." Steve said. You laid your head on Steve's chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart. You closed your eyes, relishing in the feeling of his strong arms around you. That and the fact that millions of girls back on 1218 would kill for a moment like this with Steve Rogers.

The elevator dinged, and you were met with the cool morning air of New York City. Shockingly, it was kind of quiet. You rubbed your arms walking over to the railing. You looked down, seeing all the cars driving below you. You felt Steve come up behind you, pressing his body into yours.

You both watched as the sun crept up over the horizon, the golden rays casting pinks oranges reds and yellows above you. "Steve." You said, feeling the moment. You shifted around to look into his blue eyes. He looked down at you. You kissed him. "I love you." You whispered. He grinned, and kissed you again. "I love you too."

A good man- Steve Rogers x reader fanfic Where stories live. Discover now