Prologue: Awakening

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There was a world full of white buildings surrounded by water. It looked that of a city, with a town square, apartments, shops, places of rest, gardens and everything in between. The sun shone brightly, reflecting against the white of the world that almost made it seem to glow. Surrounding the entire city was a vast ocean that seemed to go on forever. One could walk to the edge of the land and stare out and never find another land mast. A world of solitude, to put it lightly. Those who were born here were likely to never leave and there were never any visitors. One could even consider it a jailhouse. 

At least, that's how it would have been. What once was probably a lively city now was a ghost town. There was not a single sound other then the water against the edge of the island and the wind blowing through the trees. It had been a long while since this world had seen any kind of life that the footprints were long but a memory. Even a boy with his friends, a strange looking duck and dog had disappeared, being a mere memory and that had been the most recent visitor. 

Until now.

A man in a black cloak was walking down one of the empty streets, carrying a large black box behind him as his gold eyes stayed fixated on where he was going. He walked at a brisk pace, staring at a structure just a few meters away now. It was a structure that when standing on the proper bricks in the correct order it would trigger gears to move a mural that showed the past of how this world came to be, although the man knew the story for years. In fact, he was part of it and that thought brought a smirk to his thin lips. 

He walked to this structure, stepping individually on the four hidden pedestals and watched the images change almost like a movie. Originally showing a world different then this one, it's fall to darkness and finally giving birth to this new world. A world called Scala Ed Calum. 

Off to the side of the mural, unnoticed by the untrained eye the back structure opened up to a staircase. A staircase that spiraled down to an underground passage to where the cloaked man headed down now, placing the box on an old dusty desk with a huff of exhaustion, resting his hands on his hips as he stretched.

"Getting too old for this," he spoke to himself with a laugh as he looked over his shoulder at the secret lair. There wasn't too much to it, most of it covered in dust and darkness with a single source of light coming from above. There was the desk, a matching chair, some old viles and beakers and a single hallway with a chamber at the very end. At the top of this chamber was where the structure went above ground and at the base there were six what looked like sleeping pods. Each pod had a foggy glass over a dull white bed. Unfortunately they were not in perfect condition. Three of them had been shattered and whoever had once been in them were long gone as dust was starting to formulate again. 

The man walked down this corridor and stood in front of one of the still occupied pods and hummed a bit. Perhaps it was time to finally get his plan into action, it had been far too long. He was tired of sitting in the distance, watching everyone else have fun. He looked over his shoulder at the box and nodded to himself, confirming the decision. Reaching forward to the old and dusty pin pad the man was grateful for his gloves he pressed a few buttons then waited with patience. He waited until there was a sound of an unlocked 'click' and the foggy glass lid slowly opened up revealing a girl inside.

 He waited until there was a sound of an unlocked 'click' and the foggy glass lid slowly opened up revealing a girl inside

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