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||hhh im gonna cry this took me so long and it's due in an houurrr||
Wooden stairs groaned in protest as a girl, Marilyn Couture, ventured to the attic searching for a specific fairytale book. She trailed her hand along the wall, carefully weaving herself through the hordes of toys, furniture, and miscellaneous knick-knacks that her grandfather had accumulated. Marilyn paused for a moment, taking in the queer sight before her. It was a sheet covering what appeared to be a human form, but that couldn't be. Blinking once before stepping forward, the girl gently grasps the off-white sheet and pulls it off, unveiling a man- but not? He had skin of porcelain with cracks littering its surface like sharp veins, soft vermillion eyes and long, ivory 'hair'. Marilyn cupped the porcelain doll's cheek in her right hand, brushing her thumb across one of the cracks. Glancing at a tag on his shirt collar, she read the small print in a wispy voice, "Klaus."

"If that's what he was made for, where's the music box?" Marilyn asks, placing Klaus on a rocking chair by the fireplace. Fred, her older brother sighed before answering her question. "Grandfather got sick remember? He probably only managed to finish the doll before being forced to stay in bed. Besides," he looked at Klaus before scoffing, "why do you even care? It's dirty and broken already. You should be more focused on your studies, not some child's toy we forgot to throw out." Fred laces his boots before opening the front door. He looks back to his sister and speaks up once more, "You'll see me sometime tomorrow, I'll be training with Vanya." And with that, he left.

Once Fred closed the door Marilyn glanced at Klaus and observed his worn features once more. No, she wouldn't just throw him out- she was already much too emotionally attached for that. Once Marilyn was sure Fred was well on his way, she left her seat and moved to carry Klaus bridal style. She felt it wasn't respectful enough to carry him any other way, despite acknowledging that he was a doll she would still unconsciously go out of her way to be considerate of him. Marilyn shuffled through the hallway and left her home from the back door, strolling along a small path in the meadow towards the home of Andrei Popescu, the toy maker. She hoped that he would be able to fix the small imperfections scattered throughout Klaus's tall form. Moving to prop Klaus up on his feet, Marilyn held him steady with one arm and knocked on the door with her free hand, a faint 'one moment' was heard. Moments later the door was opened and revealed a blond man with flickering crimson eyes, he smiled and greeted Marilyn cheerfully. "Mari, how nice of you to visit me!" She returned the greeting and Andrei's eyes turned to Klaus, studying the tall figure. "It- he was my grandfather's," Marilyn explained, "I found him in the attic all musty and cracked and I was wondering if you could fix him? His name is Klaus." Marilyn shifted on her feet, becoming fidgety with the newfound silence as Andrei stared at Klaus for what must have been a solid minute. "Of course I will, come inside!" Andrei answers, his demeanor transitioning into one more upbeat as he opened the door for Marilyn and helped her bring Klaus in his small home.

"So, Vanya," Fred begins, skillfully avoiding his companions' strikes as they spar in hand-to-hand, "what was it like growing up in Camellia? I had family that used to live around there." Vanya hummed, "It wasn't so bad.

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