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The entrance to the cave is a pitch-black abyss, a ferocious mouth, forming silent screams of agony or maybe more than just cruel love songs - because why else would the darkness be so tantalizing, luring Nikita into its clammy depths? Nearly as if it was a siren's mouth but there are no rose-tinted lips, no pearly teeth, only hard, dard rocks and murkiness.

Why would Nikita want to enter the cave? What is tempting him so much that his toes are tingling and his heartbeat is as quick as if he was listening to Rachmaninoff's second piano concerto?

The answer is quite simple: It's the desire he still hasn't managed to direct at a certain topic, trying to use it for studying, baking, crocheting, smiling, writing poems, drawing,... He's always failed terribly (except for baking, Nikita's pretty good at it, considering he hasn't known what he's been doing, resulting in a more than decent strawberry-almond-cake); he really can't draw, isn't able to portray the haunting images in his mind and his desperate attempts of using the restless energy, which is swirling in him like a swarm of wasps, for studying have resulted in senseless waste of time. He hasn't been able to concentrate at all, fidgeting around all the time and disturbing the diligent Gryffindor, who's even decided to sit with Mercurius Avery instead, who's of course flirted with the boy as if he wouldn't ever get the chance to open his mouth again because Avery is one of those teens, who're always horny and don't care about gender but only about the fact, that what he's doing isn't rape (only because Avery isn't the brightest, he isn't a dumb arse who does things with people, who don't want it to happen).

The Gryffindor's rather stayed with Avery, who's been quite bold and getting on his, well, victim's nerves, than with Nikita, so you know how immensely twitchy he's been the whole fucking time since Tom's lit up his heart with Apollo's golden fire.

And because passion is burning in Nikita's heart, it won't be dark in the cave, will it? After all it's godly fire and Apollo can't let him down now, after tormenting him for days, after getting his blood to boil, his breath to accelerate and his fingers to prickle.

But when Nikita enters the hollow, there's no difference to the outside regarding the lightness, and to be honest, Nikita's a little bit disappointed because he's totally expected the air to be littered with golden glitter or his chest to shine like the sun or at least like some especially bright candle but it merely looks like this will be another bear dream, except a little less angsty because Nikita's vision's working perfectly fine even though he shouldn't be able to see anything and there's no glowing glitter howering in the air.

Tentatively, he steps forward, eager to make not more sounds than necessary - just like always. Nikita's often dreaming the same dreams, living through them again and again, already knowing the end - the bear will maul him no matter how careful he is, he'll drown in music and he'll just die in general, over and over again.

Nikita hasn't a problem with dying though, maybe because he's dreamt so often of his own death or because his mother's died, which is terrible and sad, yes, but in Nikita's memory, she's near to perfection because of this, with her silky, silky hair and sparkling ice-blue eyes, her wind chime laughter and warm hugs. 

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