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I am really fascinated with Werewolf and Vampire stories (more on Werewolves, actually he he he).

I love how strong and powerful they are. Even their possessiveness.

But what attracts me the most is the idea of having a mate or a beloved (for vampires), that's what they called.

I mean, think about it. If it's really true and if it is the same for us humans, there is a chance that no one is going to fall out of love.

The bond and their love is for a lifetime.

When you find your mate, he/she is really the person who is meant for you. Like when it just click or you smell that addictive scent, you'll know immediately that he/she is the one.

That you are to be with him/her for all your life.

No worries, no cheating (he he he).

Anyway, it's just my opinion.

But really, it's amazing, right? ^_^


This story is a BIG CHALLENGE for me, because I'm going to write it in English. And English is not my first language :D

So please bear with me. If you, by any chance, saw any grammar mistakes, please, do kindly correct me. ^_^ Thank you!

Also, I'll be taking my time in making this story. I want it to be perfect, though there's nothing perfect, right? he he he But I will do my very best!

I just want to make a Werewolf story.

I just want to make a Werewolf story

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