Rule Breakers

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I wrote this first chapter shortly after I was first introduced to the world of creepypasta fanfiction.

Story Description

A Toby Drown fan fiction.

BEN has been living with Slenderman and his proxies for the past 4 years. He's seen new kids come and go, but this time, Slenderman was much to interested. He would leave the house every night to go watch this new one. It wasn't until Slenderman brought him home, soaked in blood, did BEN realize why.

Slender man constantly reminds his proxies, his only rule, no falling in love.

Chapter one

Meeting Toby


I sat on the couch, Nintendo controller in hand and eyes glued to the screen. We don't have a lot of games, so I was re-playing Super Mario Brothers for the 3rd time. When the lights in the room flickered on, I squinted my eyes and held in a hiss of protest. Pausing my game I turned to see Jack at the fridge, getting a late night snack.

"Can't you do that without the light on?" I had risen my hand up to shield my eyes from the light as he turned around, holding a piece of raw liver in his teeth. I don't understand how he eats that stuff.

"Sorry BEN, didn't know you were in here" his black pools of emptiness staring at me for a moment before he closed the fridge. I watched as he walked over to the light switch, but he didn't get a chance to flick it off. Slenderman came through to door, parts of his suit burned and bloody. He had been going out the last couple of nights to watch someone, but this was new. I rose from my place on the couch.

"What happened?" My eyes wide with worry and voice a bit louder then it should have been. He didn't respond, only walked over to the sink and picked up a rag, soaked it in water, then walked back out. Curious, both Jack and I followed him to the entryway of the building. There, a boy was laying on the floor, caked in blood and burns. Slenderman took the rag to his face, cleaning off a particularly large burn on the left corner of his mouth. It wasn't until the rag was too dirty to do anything else did Slenderman finally speak.

"BEN" he said "start the shower, and Jack" he held the rag out "clean this off." We both sprung to action, Jack grabbing the bloody rag and me rushing to the bathroom. I turned on the hot water then the cold, only touching it to test the temperature before immediately drying my hands. I hate water.

Wasting no time, Slenderman helped the boy into the bathroom then started to strip him of his burned and bloody garments. I only stared as his dead, grey body was exposed. I could feel my face heating up, heart beating in my ears. When Slenderman unbuttoned his pants I turned away, to embarrassed with my own dirty mind to enjoy the show.

Jack entered the room, bumping my shoulder and snapping me out of my daze. I left the room and Jack gave Slenderman the cleaned off rag. When I returned to my spot on the couch, controller in hand, I couldn't bring myself to unpause the game. Instead my mind was racing with questions. 'Who is that? Will he be living with us? What happened to them?' All things that would be answered later.

Jack, Slenderman, and the beat up kid were in the bathroom for over an hour and I felt myself growing worried. As if on que, the door opened. Jack exited first, then the kid, Slenderman guiding him by the shoulder to an empty room.

"What happened?" I whispered as I moved beside Jack. It took him a moment to realize I was talking to him and wanted an answer.

"Nothing" Jacks voice was soft, groggy. He was ready for bed so I thought it best I stop bothering him and head to bed myself.

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