The Help She Needed

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Little Things

Chapter 4

The Help She Needed

I didnt even pay attention to Lou and his intense stares as we parked and walked toward the building. I stood out in front. I didnt like spilling everything to him. I barely knew him. And now, it was too late. When everything was over, I would have to tell him, to tell Alexis.

The day I found out about it, i ran out. I didnt look back. that was the day I came home and found my sister in the living room.

I could feel my cheeks flush as the coldness of the hotels lobby. I shoved my hands in my jeans pocket, ducking my head down and letting my hair cover my eyes. I didnt like cold weather. I miss the warmth of people. My mothers touch as she cuddled me. I miss that. I missed her.

I sighed, hoping into the elevator and waiting for Lou to come inside. A smile played at the edge of his face as he looked me over. "Gosh hes going to love you." He spoke, then quicjly clasped his hand over his mouth. His eyes went wide and he starred at me, shocked.

"Who." I demanded, anger boiling into my cheeks. he looked at me, nothing changed. I stepped closer adn tilted my head up, letting my eyes show, remembering him saying they were better than someones.

"NOOOOOO." He whined, stepping back and then looking at me again, chewing his lips. "FINE! me and Eleanor plan to set you up with our friend Harry because your perfect for eachother and we both hate his girlfriend right now and there not right for eachother and your his perfect match and yeah." he spoke, dragging out the sentance in one long breathe. I raised my eyebrows as the elevator dinged onto our floor.

"I dont date." i spoke simply. he frowned. He opened his mouth to speak but I stepped onto the floor before he could. He raced after me down the hall, matching my pace with ease. I almost growled at him. Just how close he was to me after doing something so crazy. It all made sence why he was acting nice now.

He wanted to make his friend happy with a shinny new toy.

I guess I was easy. I bet he thought I would just fold after everything ive been through. he thought wrong.

I turned, shoving a pointed finger in his face, not touching him but close. "Who. Do you think I am? Going to just fall for this? I dont have time to date!" I basically shout, pain filling my lungs. I take hard deep breathes.

I felt like dying rather than going through this. i closed my eyes shut. I felt tears brim them anyway and spill over slightly. i opened them to see Lou, standing close but not uncomfortably. I starred at him and spoke in a soft gentle voice, as quiet as I could for only his ears. "I dont want to be alone."

he shook his head. "Trust me Scar. I barely know you but I feel like im supposed to do this. Im supposed to help you. I cant explain it. Its like this is what my purpose in life is. Its a big part of my life. I NEED to help you, Scar. SO please let me." He spoke, the same hushed voice as me. I didnt want to let down Alexis's only chance at survival. If I did this, the boy would surley see the bad in me. See how much work I would be and call it quits.

I looked at Lou and gave a small nod, not something buig, so he knew my doubts.

And that was my resignation to my one rule. No letting yourself fall in love.

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