Two bros

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   "Hey Haza." Akira eyed him over his shoulder, he was near his front door removing his outdoor shoes. "Come check this shit out."

   He pathetically shuffled his way into his messy bedroom, closing the door behind him. They made their way over piles of dirty clothes and stolen instruments to the cardboard box in the corner that held Akira's personal belongings. He rummaged through it to pull out a small baggie of yellowed white powder. 

   "Look what I've got us." He grinned, holding the bag in front of Hazamada's face.

   "Holy shit!" Haza yelled. He quickly lowered his voice. "Is that coke?"

   "Fuck yeah dude." Akira pridefully nodded, grabbing a hardcover school textbook. "You got your school ID on you?"

   He handed Akira his card, who quickly dumped out the baggie onto the textbook and started cutting four long lines. They both sat down on the floor, using his frameless bed as a sort of table. 

   "Since this is your first time, you should probably do one line." Akira stated, making the lines clean and even. 

   "Fuck that, there's four lines. I'll do two." Hazamada felt his heart drop, he can't believe he said that. Guess he's all in now.

Akira had a surprised look on his face, smiling as he rolled up a stolen ¥10,000 bill. "Ballsy. You're gonna get fucked up dude."

   "So I'm going to explain this once, don't waste my fucking shit or you can't bum off me anymore." Akira said, holding the rolled up dollar between his finger and thumb. "You don't sniff like you're smelling, you snort like you're trying to suck up snot. Suck deeply to make sure it all gets in there. Watch."

   Akira learned forward and snorted one of his lines quickly, then tilted his head back and shuddered. He's done coke way more than once, so he's used to that small amount. He snorts the second line and Hazamada can see his hands shaking slightly. 

   "Now you." Akira beams, handing him the rolled-up bill. He watches him inexpertly suck up an entire one of his lines before moving onto the next one.

  Akira nearly slapped himself in the face watching him snort the second line, remembering he forgot to tell him that his two lines were meant to be snorted about thirty minutes apart. All he could do at this point was laugh, since Hazamada already finished.

   "Holy shit dude! Hahaha!" Akira cackled, shaking his clenched fists in excitement. "Look at me, look at me!"

    Hazamada turned his head, flashing him the biggest shit eating toothy grin he could. Akira could see his pupils were huge. This sent Akira into a laughing fit.

   "What? What's wrong with me?" Hazamada giggled. "What's so funny, asshole?"

   Akira couldn't control his own laughter, to the point it was hard to breathe. He grabbed his guitar and expressed his own overexcitement through a quick song, which was off-key and frantically strummed. 

   "YAHHOOOOOO!" Akira tilted his head back and screamed. 

   "I feel like I'm gonna die. My chest hurts." Haza said with a panicked tone, holding his own neck. He lifted his chin for Akira to feel his pulse. "Feel my heart." 

   Akira placed his cold hand right over one of his carotid arteries. His heart was pounding fast and hard; how you'd expect it to be if he'd just ran a mile.

   "Shit, lil dude." Akira ran his hand through his own hair. "I guess just sit there, man. Lay down."

   Hazamada did as he said with a dopey smile spread across his face. He still felt absolutely euphoric because of the coke. If he died sprawled out on the floor and drugged up like he was, he'd die happy, so maybe it wouldn't matter. The silence was broken once again by Akira absentmindedly strumming on his electric guitar.

   "You know what I just remembered?" Akira laughed. Hazamada just turned his head to look at him. "I have supplies to do nipple piercings. You want one?"

   "Fuck yeah bitch!!" Hazamada screamed excitedly. 

   He sat up and started stripping himself from the waist up, taking off his school uniform, shirt, and undershirt and throwing them into the corner. 

   "Fuckin'... pierce my nipples dude." Hazamada began to giggle. "Both."

   "I was going to do mine, but let's do yours first. I'll just buy another set of bars." Akira chuckled in anticipation, pulling a small leather bag out of his personal box.

   He started by handing Hazamada a cold sanitizing wipe. "Rub your nipples with this until they're hard." 

   As Haza awkwardly rubbed his nipples with a wet wipe, Akira laid out his equipment; a fourteen gauge needle, two bar piercings, and nitrile gloves. He quickly put on the gloves and turned back at Haza to see he was playing with his nipple. 

   "Gross, man. Don't play with your nips in my room." Akira chuckled.

   "I'm getting them hard, asswipe!" Hazamada yelled.

   "Right. So I don't have the clamp you're supposed to use to hold the nippie still, so if you pussy out and wiggle too much and end up with a shitty job, that ain't my fault." Akira tucked his hair behind his ear, showing him his ear piercings that he did himself. "Mine turned out fine because I didn't pussy out and jerk away."

   "Now.." Akira moved closer, pushing up his pecs with both hands. "Heheheheh. Boobies." 

   After a hard slap to the face Akira got started with the piercing. He didn't mark where the piercing would go beforehand, he just quickly shoved the hollow needle through the erect nipple.

   "I thought that'd hurt." Hazamada laughed, watching as Akira collected his blood on a small square of gauze. 

   "This next one will." Akira snickered, putting the bar through the needle and removing the hollow needle itself." You didn't feel it because of the adrenaline in your system before you got the first one. Now you're calm."

   "FUCK. It won't work again?" Haza began to panic, watching him connect the ball on the other end of the bar piercing.

   "Maybe it will, I dunno." Akira stated, wiping the unpierced nipple clean once again with a sterile sanitizing wipe and grabbing a clean needle. "Ready?"

   Hazamada clenched his fist and squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the pain to come. He nodded his head in response to the question.

   "Alright. Three… Two…. One.." 

   Suddenly Hazamada felt sharp, stinging pain in his right nipple. He arched his back and yelped loudly.

   "Settle the fuck down dumbass, I almost tore your damn nipple OFF!" Akira said, holding him down with his hand without the needle. "It's only halfway in."

   "HURRY." Hazamada said through clenched teeth.

   Akira shoved the needle through the other end of his nipple and sent the bar through it, pulling the needle out afterwards.

   "There. You alright?" He asked, screwing on the ball.

   "Yeah. I'm not feeling the high as much anymore. It's been a good fourty-five minutes, hasn't it?"

   "Yeah, it has. If you want, you can come with me later to get some dab." Akira said as he taped gauze over both of his new piercings.

   "Fuck yeah. Of course I will." Hazamada sat up and put his hot pink undershirt back on. "Should I bring money?"

   "Nah man. I've got plenty of stolen cash. You're good." Akira chuckled, putting up his piercing supplies.

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