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   Hazamada laced up his combat boots quickly, finishing his outfit. He looked at himself in the mirror. Black distressed jeans, graphic tee, and for once he combed his hair. He looked nice. He ran out the door with his skateboard in hand.

   Today he was going to see Akira. They made plans to go skating together. He wanted to teach him how, since Akira was the only person who knew about his hobby and didn't make fun of him for 'trying to be western'

   He still had just as much adoration for him as the day he first met him, Hazamada thought as he got onto the bus. He still has butterflies just thinking about him. He's pathetically head over heels once again. This time his love is reciprocated, though. That made him smile.

   He thought about a time that Akira showed up after school was through and kissed him behind the building. A few teachers watched him get handled roughly, held against the wall by his boyfriend. 

    He hid his face, embarrassed to be seen smiling in public. He looked out the window and saw the sign marking his stop whiz by. He hurriedly yanked the line to signal a requested stop and leapt off the bus last-minute.

    "Hey!" He heard Akira call. 

   Hazamada whipped his head around, clearly surprised to see him.

   "I figured I'd meet ya here." Akira looked over his shoulder to make sure no one was watching before giving him a quick peck on the lips. "Are you smiling that big 'cause of me?" 

   "I might be." Hazamada smiled, holding out his board with both hands. "Check it out." 

   The bottom of Hazamada's skateboard was personalized with different types of stickers. Some were homemade, like one that showed the anarchy symbol and a drawing of his favourite manga character, Pink Dart Boy. 

   Other stickers were commissioned or bought by various artists, the bottom was very colorful. He flipped it over again and tucked it under his arm.

   "Holy shit, that was amazing." Akira said, stunned. "So are you going to skate with me today?"

   "Yeah! I thought I'd teach you." Hazamada smiled even wider.

   "Let's go to the plaza in the centre of the shopping district." Akira grinned.

   "Ah.. I was thinking down by the harbor, since it should be empty today." Hazamada said sheepishly. "I'm still too scared to be seen skating in public."

    "That's fine babe. Whatever you're comfortable with." Akira smiled. 

    As they walked they had a long conversation about the latest prints of manga they'd read, among other topics they held a common interest in.

    Once they arrived at the pier, Hazamada gently placed his board on the ground. 

   "You ready?" He smiled, holding out his hands for him to grab. 

   Very carefully, Akira placed one foot on the board and took hold of his hands. He put his other foot up there as well.

   "I'm just going to pull you along so you can get used to balancing." Haza warned before he started pulling him by the hands.

   "Oh shit." Akira wobbled, scared of the sudden motion. 

   "Ok, now I want you to try pushing yourself forward. I have you, if you think you're going to fall, just jump off the board." He instructed. 

   Akira cautiously put his foot onto the ground and pushed himself forward a few inches. He gasped and did it again happily.

   "I knew you'd figure it out. Ready to try without me holding onto you?"

   After a few hours of learning and experiencing, Akira learned how to roll around on it very slowly. He could make wide turns and do a small jump. He wasn't very confident on the board yet.

   Since it was almost evening, they had walked to the plaza in the aforementioned shopping district and decided to practice there. He wanted to show a few tricks to him.

   Less people were around to recognize him, but just in case, Hazamada tied his hair back and wore a black bandana so he'd be harder to recognize.

   "I don't see why you're so ashamed, I think the fact you skate is badass." Akira said quietly, watching Hazamada tie his shoe.

   "You'd be surprised how much I used to be teased over it." Haza huffed before skating off. He did a few Ollie's and looked over his shoulder at Akira, who was watching.

    Next he jumped over a small flight of stairs, looping back around to do a jump into the air as he went back over them. He rode back over towards Akira, who he saw was talking to someone. He jumped off of his board and tucked it under his arm.

Hazamada felt like a hole was growing in his stomach, a pit of despair or black hole he was slowly being sucked into. As he walked closer he started to hear their conversation. 

   "Nah, I've got a job so I don't really have any time to hang out." Akira lied through his teeth. "Sorry 'bout that."

"Oh. Well, you want my number?" The stranger asked, reaching into his pocket for his phone.


"Hey! I just remembered that we have to go to tennis practice in thirty minutes, we should go now." Hazamada interrupted him, jealously trying to get him away from this random dude.

"Oh shit, yeah, we should." Akira said, playing with the hair on the back of his head. Haza knew him long enough to know that meant he was nervous.

   As they walked away, Hazamada looked over his shoulder at that person. He was watching them leave.

   "Who was that?" Hazamada asked, angrily clicking the boxcutter knife in his pocket with his free hand. He was so angry at that guy.

   "I have no clue. They just walked up and started hitting on me. It creeped me the fuck out." Akira said under his breath.

   "I noticed. I guess we can't skate anymore today." Hazamada sighed. "Well, I was about to ask if you wanted something to eat anyways."

   "Fuckin' awesome! I was hungry too." Akira raised his arms into the air happily.

"Let's get fast food so we can hurry home. You want McDonal?" Hazamada smiled.

"Fuck yeah. Let's go."

   They hurried off to the public transportation stop together with hooked pinkies. Even after three months of being together, they still didn't have the courage to be affectionate in public. Homosexuality wasn't entirely accepted in Japan in 1999.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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