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Marianne stared at her pregnancy test. She could not think about going on stage or move in anyway.  Jane passed Marianne and then stopped. She could only  see the back of her sisters body, which was slumped over the table.

"Marianne," Jane called out. 

"Jane... I need... I need to... I need to talk...talk too you." 

Jane moved closer to Marianne. Jane looked over at Marianne and then at the pregnancy test. Jane had two reactions: Aw Shit and Marianne needs to get back to London. 

Marianne looked at Jane and said "Can you apologize to the director. I am going to head straight to London.. I need..." Paul was the first thing Marianne thought of.

Paul, her rock fiancée, who was currently fucking around with Francie or Linda. Who although a musician not someone you would think have traditional values. But he did.  Was Marianne truly prepared to commit her life to Paul.  

Well, Marianne would have think of this while she is on the train but she had to get back to London. Marianne walked over to a train station and called Paul. 

"Hello," Paul said.

"Hey, Paul. Its me. I  have something urgent to talk to you about." 

Paul paused when he heard the urgency. Paul looked over at the girl lying on his bed.

"What is it."

"I am coming home at the 2:00 pm train." 

Paul looked at the clock. It was 1:15 so a 45 minutes.


"I will see you soon, Dove." Marianne said teasingly.

"Love you," Paul responded.

He hung up the phone and walked over to the bed. He nudged the girl on the back. Linda was feigning sleep and knew that Paul would get her out of the bed soon. P

"Listen, You have to get out of bed.."

Linda still did not respond.

"You know that I had a main girl that I fully intend to marry.  So you will leave and I have to get prepared. Linda, Get the fuck up. I am losing patience."

"But Paul," 

"No, You knew that I had Marianne.  So up." 

Linda finally got the hint that Paul was not going to laugh it off or become sexually interested in her right now. Linda suddenly stared Paul and realized that something was going to happen to Paul. 

If only Linda knew, that Marianne Asher would come home to tell that she was pregnant and Paul would do what any Liverpool boy would be. Linda would become a distant memory. 

Marianne Asher and Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now