~individual rp oc #2~

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First Name- Ayane

Last Name- Aishi

Nickname- Sunshine

Gender- Female

Age- 18

Species- Human

Sexual Orientation- Bisexual

Birthday- September 27th


Eye Color(s)- Brown

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Eye Color(s)- Brown

Hair Color- Black

Highlights- None

Hair Style(s)- Long and wavy or in a ponytail

Skin tone- Caramel

Body type- Slim and curvy

Height- 5'4

Weight- 125lbs

~About her~

Personality- Ayane's personality is that she's a happy person who always tries to look on the bright side of things when she can but when things get very bad, she goes into being a bit doubtful but will still try her best to be positive. One thing that people don't know about her is she can be quite mean and harsh but only when you tempt her or mess with her friends or family.

Like(s)- Cooking, singing, dancing, drawing, gardening, hanging out with her friends, sweets, dogs and cats, going different places, decorating, and making things.

Dislike(s)- Loud noises, being shouted at, someone messing with her friends and family, too much fighting, and being disrupted.

Hobbies- Reading, writing, and gardening

Allergies- Peanuts

Fear(s)- Being alone, dying, and being made fun of

Strength(s)- She doesn't let small things get to her, she's quite strong, she's independent

Weakness(es)- She puts others before herself even if she needs to put her before others.

Special Powers/Abilities- None

Weapon(s)- None

Extra- None

~Talents and Dreams~

Ambition/dream- To become a famous chef around the world

Occupation/Job- She runs a restaurant that has a but of popularity right now

Best Class(es)- She's good at math and reading subjects

Worst Class(es)- She's not so good at science and french

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