chapter II Horseshoe Overlook: Americans at Rest

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(Y/n's POV)

"It's been a few weeks and me and Clem are back near Valentine I still it's been seven years after the death of my parents back in '92 but I'm sure this camp will work for now anyway" -journal

Hosea then comes to you and say.

Hosea: Y/n Javier Charles and Bill are in town in the local saloon.

Y/n: If I remember correctly there was two in town so which one?

Hosea: The one near the general store and hotel and Arthur is there too.

Y/n: What are you going to do?

Hosea: I'm going to read a book and when you get back your sister told me she want to learn to shoot a gun.

Y/n: Ok.

You mount up on your horse and ride into Valentine and head into the saloon and see Javier Charles and Arthur and say.

Y/n: Gentlemen. Any luck?

Javier: Not at the moment.

Y/n: Where's Bill?

Arthur: He's late.

Y/n: Did you go see the debtors on that list Strauss gave you?

Arthur: All but the last one.

Y/n: Which is?

Arthur: Take a look.

He gives you the list of debtors which say "Chick Matthews" "Mr Wròbel" and "Lilly Millet" the last one say "Thomas Downes" which you know by you father togo meet him in '81 and you say to Arthur.

Y/n: Don't go see the lady one cause if you heard him coughing you don't be around him so stay away from him and give this to back to Strauss.

Arthur: Ok.

Bill then comes in and he starts arguing with a the who also came in and Arthur says.

Arthur: You think he's going to kiss that feller or punch him?

Bill then punches him and Javier says.

Javier: I think we have our answer!

A guy trys to punch you but you knew him I his neck and toss him out the window most likely knocking him out.

Then you help Javier who have two people on him and you knock one out while he knock the other out then someone says fro.vthe top of the saloon.

???: What's going on down there?

Bartender: No Tommy stay out of this

Javier trys to punch Tommy but fails miserably and Javier gets he's head slammed on the table and you punch Tommy from the back take his focus off Javier and you try to punch him this time and you get thrown out the window and Tommy says.

Tommy: That all you got pretty boy?

Y/n: Pretty boy you serious!?

You then punch Tommy eventually knocking him to the ground and you repeatedly punch him and then one of the town's folks say.

???: Stop please sir you clearly won the fight already surely that's enough.

Y/n: What business of it of your?

He doesn't answer and you go the the general store and sit down  and you see Dutch and says.

Dutch: Look who I found sniffing about.

Y/n: Josiah Trelawny.

Josiah: The very same. I looking for you lot in Blackwater seem your not to popular there.

Y/n: We robbed a ferry boat there so yeah most likely not popular there. We left a mess there.

Josiah: And young Sean it's seems.

Y/n: He's in Blackwater still?

Josiah: That's all I know where he is.

Dutch: Y/n: Get yourself cleaned up and meet Josiah Javier and Charles there when your ready. Arthur Hosea asked if you want to go hunting with him.

Arthur: Anything that gets me out if camp for a few days.

Dutch: Good Y/n head back to camp Bill stay out of trouble.

You clean yourself and head back to camp and put different clothes on a red hunting jacket blue jeans worn boots with spurs and no hat and you walk to Clem and say.

Y/n: Hey Clem.

Clementine: Hey.

Y/n: Hosea told me you wanted to shoot a gun.

Clementine: Yeah I do.

Y/n: Well mount your horse and follow me.

She nod and you mount you horse and Clem mounts her horse which is a Missouri Fox Trotter and you go far enough away from camp but it to far and you grab empty bottles and you line them up and you give her your Schofield Revolver and you say.

Y/n: Ok first rule of a gun is "don't be afraid of it".

Clementine: Ok.

Y/n: And shoot on empty lungs so aim up the gun and take your shot.

She nods and shoots one of the bottles and you say.

Y/n: Nice job. Now shoot one more.

She nods again and shoot and more and she hits it yet again and them you see O'driscolls coming after you both and you mount on you horse and Clem mount on hers and you rude away from them and they shot your horse and you say to Clem.

Y/n: They shot my horse I'm jumping to yours ok?

She nods and you jump to her horse and you both escape and ride back to your dead horse and say.

Y/n: Goddamnit.

Clementine: We'll ride back to camp and tomorrow we'll ride into town and buys new horse.

You nod and you get back on Clem's horse and ride back to camp.

Sadie Adler x malereader: RDR 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now