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What the fuck. I stared at the th- Venom. Did he say host or did I inhale weed in that alley. My eyes stayed trained on Venom's creepy white ones. "Are, you a parasite?" I covered my mouth with my hand as soon as the question left my mouth.

Venom snorted, leaving me questioning where his nostrils were. "Not any kind that you're familiar with." As he finished the statement, Venom dissolved back into me. I patted my back in panic before letting out a small yelp as he spoke into my fucking head. 'Let's get a couple things straight, I'm not leaving unless you're dead, so don't try to get rid of me with a knife or something. I will eat your pancreas. Try and take us to a doctor? Say goodbye to your liver. Try starving me and I'll survive off your organs. I will not allow you to die for a very long time, finding you was tedious enough.' I stared at the mirror for a good ten seconds before nodding.

My hand shook as I brushed my teeth, I quickly got on with my nightly routine. As I was going to lay down, Venom made another statement. 'I'm hungry.' I took a deep breath before rubbing my temples.

A thought came to mind and I panicked. I whispered to Venom. "Please, please tell me you don't eat humans." The back of my neck buzzed.

'I eat anything that goes into your mouth. It's our body now, we are hungry, so go raid the fridge before I go to town on your kidneys.' I nodded, slightly relieved that I wouldn't have a Tokyo Ghoul situation on my hands. 'Food. Now.' My feet carried me quickly to the kitchen.

I snatched a ramen cup from the pantry before boiling some water. Venom was displeased. 'This is taking too long.'

I hummed in response. "It'll be worth it." I poured the hot water into the cup before cracking a pair of chopsticks. As Venom had said, I was in fact hungry, hungrier than I should've been. I slurped down the noodles and sighed with content.

Venom seemed to calm down. 'Much better.' I nodded in agreement.


I awoke to the sound of my father in the kitchen, I stretched my arms and got dressed. 'We're hungry, get some food.'

I muttered under my breath. "I'm on my way, calm your tits."

'Your intestines are looking rather appetizing.'

"I'll hurry up."

A familiar face greeted me as I entered the kitchen. Bright blue eyes and a head of mouse brown hair that matched my own, my dad. He smiled and flipped a pancake. His trusty pink apron stayed tied around his waist. I smiled and grabbed a plate. Dad handed me the spatula, inviting me to serve myself. "Morning Haru, sorry I couldn't greet you when I got home. You were sound asleep and I didn't want to interrupt." I hummed in response.

With my plate thoroughly loaded with pancakes, I began eating. "You got in pretty late, you did sleep right?" Dad scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. I sighed.

Dad looked at my pile of carbs and syrup and grinned. "Finally eating a healthy amount! I'm so proud Haru." My eyes strayed to the heap. Healthy? If you have a Venom sure, I think this would give anyone else a heart attack.

'Keep eating.' I flinched slightly, still not used to the whole parasite situation. I complied and shoved another pancake into my mouth. I watched in horror as my father over packed my lunch while giggling. 'He's got the right idea.' I'm never going to get used to this thing.

I made sure to avoid human society on my way to school so that I could mutter to Venom. It's not that I didn't find him weird or I had accepted him as part of normal life, I just didn't have friends. I'm what you would call pathetic, I'm quirkless, boring, and close to being poor. No one wants to be friends with the quirkless girl, its an invitation to be punched by Bakugou. I have to settle for what socialization I can get, even if it's with a creepy parasite.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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