What Happens During Debriefs

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You would think that 2 spies, 2 scientists, a god of thunder, and a super-soldier would act like adults, but no. During their meeting, they started doing things that middle schoolers would do in class just to keep themselves entertained.

Morse Code

The Avengers had just come back from a mission and were all tired and didn't want to go through the boring debrief that Fury had. Nobody knows who started it but all the Avengers- even Steve who was very bored- just started telling random jokes to each other. It was all going okay until a dirty joke was tapped out. Steve and Bruce instantly started blushing, Tony, Natasha, and Clint were quietly snickering but Thor who ruined everything burst out laughing, which made Fury start yelling at them like a Parent scolding their kids.

The Note Passing

It started after Tony had found Sticky Notes in the pocket of his pants. (Don't ask why he had them). He then quietly passed a couple out to everybody and they all started drawing pictures of Fury and themselves doing the weirdest things ever. Steve who was a very good artist drew a picture of the whole team and now it's framed in the smallest frame you can find hung up on a wall with other pictures of the team.

The Tiny Robot

Now, this might be the funniest of them all. Tony was bored in the lab one day so he started making a tiny drone to use during their next debriefs. What they had found out a couple of days ago that Steve's serum had increased all of his senses which made him more ticklish.

During the next debrief Tony took the drone out and started controlling it with a small controller. Steve was sitting there with a sweatshirt so it was easy to slip it down his shirt. He then started moving it which made Steve twitch trying his hardest not to laugh. The rest of the gang had noticed Steve's twitching and had now focused their attention on him.

Tony then decided to take it a little too far by getting it down his pants. Which of course made him jump out of his seat, which made Fury notice and he started questioning the captain which then made the rest of the team start laughing. Every time Fury would yell at them it just made them harder. The harder they laughed the madder Fury would get. So by the end of the debrief Fury had stormed out while the rest of the Avengers were clutching their stomachs laughing.

But Fury wasn't actually mad, he was happy that the team was getting along so well.


This is inspired by a Tumblr Post

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