
160 15 6

Written by helicopter-stannie and theoneandonlywuluf
Alright everyone, let's set some rules.

1.) Don't give crappy, cheap, low quality gifts, put some effort in!

2.) Your gift should be PG13, unless they're someone who can handle it, be careful though, and make sure they ok with it.

3.) Gentlemen's Rules

4.) You have to send your gift through a Google Doc, no other alternatives at this time. If you've got a problem, DM us.

5.) All gifts must be given on the 25th, if there's an issue, DM us

6.) Don't give yourself away to anyone, that also means no riddles or hints. We tried riddles and hints 2019,, didn't go so well.

7.) Remember, this is for fun, don't get too stressed out if you think your gift isn't good enough, or that you'll miss the deadline. Its ok!! Don't stress too much! :D <3

Hermittpad Secret Santa 2020Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang