First LiveStream

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{the look he’s wearing now is the shirt, jacket, shoe and shorts that’s showing in the image above}

{A / N}

-This story contains images to improve the imagination, since I am not good at detailing things, so if you don't like this kind of thing please withdraw and don't make hateful comments.

-In this multiverse the AU's are a little more modern for example: everyone has television, cell phone, games, VR, all modern objects, but the AU's visuals are not modern and are the same, only new objects were created and they were created by  Sci(ScienceTale! Sans) and Ric(RichTale!Sans) because Ink wanted all AU's to connect in some way and practically forced Sci to do that (this will be important for the future remember this).

-----{please check my other FGOD story {Support System}----

-I'm sorry for my bad English-


-;Chapter Begin;-

-Anti-Void- Time: ??: ??

  "Ok ... First I need a notebook and a cell phone ...".  I open a mini portal for some AU and get a notebook, cell phone and chocolate, then I close the portal and see what I got.

  The notebook is black with red keyboard keys and some details around it are red, the phone is all black with a red flower behind the phone.  The chocolate is from Underfell, as always.  'Did I get the notebook and cell phone from UnderFell?  Well ... the Sans over there help me a lot and don't even complain '.

  -UnderFell- Time: 07:25


  "AND STOLE ON OUR FRONT!".  Edge yells at Red still looking at the table where things are gone.

  -Anti-Void- Time: ??: ??

  "It looks like I'm going to have to learn how to handle it."  I open another mini-portal but this time for ScienceTale Original - which is where these multiverse objects were made - and I take a manual on how they were made, sit on my blue beanbag and start reading.

  After some time I put the manual back on the Sci lab table, I pick up the notebook on my lap, turn it on and open the 'MultiverseTub' application and several videos of various AU's appear and soon I see something that caught my attention  , an option called 'Streams' when I press it opens several videos but this time with a 'Live' in the "thumbnail".

  'It seems that this is for those who like to talk to other people even when they are far away, so use this option to talk to other people at the same time as opening "Live"'.  I log out of 'Streams' and create an account to make the videos called: G_L_I_T_C_H_Y

  'I found this' Streams 'option interesting, I think I will not make videos but only live videos, this seems more interesting than making videos and editing and then uploading them to MultiverseTub'.  I enter a live of Blue, there he was playing games with Ink and Dream and at the end of the live he said: "Bye my blueberry's".  A pun on his name, he gave his audience a name, I open another Live but this time Dance (DanceTale!Sans), there he taught his audience dance steps and spoke to the public sometimes and when the live ended he said: 'Bye Bye my Dancers, I hope to see you in the next Lives!  Thanks for today's donations! ".

  "Donations?"  I go to another Live this time by Melody(MusicTale!Sans) and see a button called 'Donate', I am curious to press the button and open several options for card and cash colors.

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