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QwQ  0_0   ×-×   *÷*   ×~×   °▪︎°   ♡♡   ^-^

Toga's POV:

I sigh heavily as I walking back to my dorm as I started thinking about something that I was proud that I haven't thought about for a while, 'But what if I just do one? Just one little tiny baby cut? It would help the pain go away and if I only do one no one will notice, no one cares anyway. NO! No!? I mean I know it would help, but it's just I've been clean for so long. Well I guess just one won't hurt anyone.' I reach for my keys and then I gasp quietly "Shit shit shit shiit god fuck" at the realization that I left my keys at my "Parent's" house and that  I left my backup key on my nightstand in the dorm 'I would normally just try knocking, but I know that there's no use in trying that though, because James doesn't even get back to the dorms for another few hours. I could try asking some of the other guy's if they have a key mabey, nah I'm already shy and flustered enough around even just Iida and he's not even my type at all not even .0001% my type I don't need to have that plus the embarrassment of having have been an idiot. I'll just go eat some dinner with the girl's than I'll come back, I'll then just have to wait for James to get back and just pray that he doesn't take to long' I thought heading to the girls dorm's area.

TIME SKIP (Brought to you by cute tiny anime frogs)

James Uraraka's POV:

I grunt as I finish silently lifting myself from the tree outside through the only decent sized window in my dorm. To be honest I'm really surprised that Toga isn't back yet. It's 7:05 she's usually finishing up the last 10-15 minutes of her nighttime routine because she get's out of the shower about 5 before now. I know for sure that she arrive back here at school at 5:49 and that she was seen up on the floor for the boys dorms(and our shared dorm) at 5:53. 'Where the hell is she?' I feel myself starting to bubble up with all the pent up anger I have from the last few weeks. Anger at that fuckin 'Bastard Bakugou', anger at that 'Clumsy nerdy Izuku', anger at the fact that Toga's is still not mine yet, anger at the plan, anger at myself for being so angry especially so angry with my full proof plan. So I decide to take one of my stupid already ruined glass cups that I have for calming down as I open the window making sure that there's no one down under the window as I take all my anger and use it to throw the glass out the window as hard as I can 'I know that the glass would break if I had just dropped instead of trowing it with all my anger but I find that it really helps me calm down to take out my anger when throwing it instead'

[Um, yes, I am changing the POV for the third time this chapter. Pls don't hate me] Toga's POV:

'Wait what was that?' I thought moving so I was sitting right infront of the middle of the door straining my ears for anymore noise. 'Huh, I might be going crazy but I think that for once, James didn't stay out late. I might be wrong, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try and knock because I have been waiting outside the door for about 15-20 minutes already' I take a deep breath calming my nerves and I knock praying that James was really there and that I'm not hearing things. {which is something she never thought she would be hoping for. Especially after how their first meeting went since because of the whole accidentally meeting her hot roommate by bumping into them while their mainly undressed she and finding out that she was sharing a room with a boy for over a year maybe even more she developed a huge crush on him extremely fast. She gets all flushed and flustered at just a meir mention of him}

TwT  *-*  =-=  q~p &_& (;  +_+  -.-  _+_  uWu @~@

Okay, so I know that I'm kinda leaving you guys on a cliffhanger for this chapter and I am soooo sorry, but I'm really tired of writing for today and I just spent over an hour just writing this, and about a whole half hour editing it, and like I said I'm really tired of writing so I'm just done writing for the day. Good news though is that I got over some of my writers block, and I know what I'm planning on doing for the rest of this chapter and I mean by that that I have a plan for what to write to finish this story, and I will finish this chapter as soon as I can just not right now.

Love ya ~~~Author-kun

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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