OC Description

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Full title: Princess Tatiana.

Hair Color: Brown with blue highlights (by way of a color change spell)

Eye color: Shamrock green

Nicknames: Tati, Fairy Girl, Princess, Lotus Blossom (Cover name, total reference/homage to the character of the same name from TMNT 1987)

Age: 14-20+ {Always a reasonable age as the TMNT} (Depending on the verse)

Species: Mystic Fairy (Half Human)

Alignment: Good/Hero

Birthday: July 15th

Sign: Cancer

Gender: Female

Fairy Title: Fairy Of The Heart

Natural Element Connection: Wind or Air

Magic Aura: Rose Pink

Weapon: Mystical Tessen

Occupation: Princess, Fairy in training, Kunoichi in training

Family: Queen Himari (Mother {Mystic Fairy}) King Daniel ({Human} Father, deceased.) Nessa (Younger sister) Takehito (Older twin brother)

Pets: Kitsune (A Mystical Fox) Nutmeg (personal horse when at home)

Talents: Singing, Magic, Magical Alchemy, and Math.

Favorite Color: Lilac and rose pink (sometimes the occasional sky blue)

Fears: Arachnophobia (Fear of spiders)
Very slight Aquaphobia (Only because she cannot swim)
Claustrophobia (Fear of very tight spaces)

Abilities: In basic magic, she does have the ability to levitate objects, clean minor messes, and stains, and make certain objects appear (nothing too big!) change the colors on other objects, and creating glamour to hide her wings. Even sensing dark imbalances and other magical creatures.

In her family, she has a technique called Elemental Nimpo which grants her to use her aura and manifest it into the element she is naturally connected with.

As her natural connection is the Air, which means she also has Aerokinesis, but as Tatiana is not yet a true fairy (as she is lacking the focus) so she cannot fully control it, resulting in out of control tornadoes and hitting herself.

With her wings, she is a swift and graceful flyer, with the added ability to create powerful tailwinds when used correctly.

During her first years of magical training, Tati is very much skilled in the healing magical arts, such as her requirements of learning.

Tati is also a talented Alchemist but unlike Baron Draxum, who uses his Alchemy for evil, she creates healing and defensive potions. Like and required in real-life chemistry, she is skilled in math to create the formulas needed for any concoction.

She is also learning the arts of Ninjutsu, Tessenjutsu, Kyudo (the art of Archery), and Kenjutsu. Tati is quick learning but is still quite clumsy in fighting without her magic.

As far as other talents, she is also talented in singing and her voice is known in the Mystic Realms.

Weaknesses: She cannot swim and her wings are delicate when wet it takes a long time for them to dry off and in the meantime, she won't be able to fly. Her lack of control of her aerokinesis is also considered a weakness.
Like the turtles (and most fairies from general mythology) she cannot stand the cold and will become greatly weakened if exposed to the extreme cold, winter is her weakest point of the year.
Also like in myths, Iron is a metal she cannot break through and is completely immune to magic, but unlike myths, it does not burn her.

Personality: A strong fairy with an unstoppable heart and iron soul, Tati cares for her family and friends above all else, she can be described as stubborn and a rebel but her sense of duty, honor, and justice is within her,

Tati hated her isolation in her royal life and as a result fears being alone. She has a sharp tongue and can easily snap back if offended or provoked, Tati has a real temper that can easily be brought to the surface. She openly rebels against her royal advisers who are old-fashioned (and secretly distrusts)

Though intelligent, she leads and thinks more by her passionate heart and tends to disregard logic and gets carried away with her emotions, but she is well-meaning in her ways.

Spunky, snappy, and quite prideful, Tati can never resist a challenge to prove and show up anyone who mocked her. Stubbornly she believes in loyalty to her friends and family also fears betrayal from those she's close to.

Despite her rebellious nature, Tati greatly respects and admires her mother and to those who earn it and cares in a motherly/sisterly fashion to those younger than she is, especially to her baby sister Nessa. Tati had earned her title from her people for being the most empathetic of her siblings and seems to be well-liked by her people.

Although to her older brother Takehito, is rather tested at times due to his over-protectiveness.

In the most dangerous situations, she can become very reckless and protective of her best friends and family, she disregards her own safety and is willing to risk her own life to protect them.

Tati absolutely loves music, singing, and dancing! From her secret music lessons with her mother, it became quite a talent she's proud of.

She is also considered a fashionable teen, having various outfits and likes to change it up every now and then, carrying slight pride in her appearance, and shows annoyance when her hair is messed up or her makeup. (Which she later comes prepared with waterproof makeup)

Secretly she does have her insecurities on her abilities, Tati feels she would never reach the potential in her abilities. Usually, she does rely on the opinions of her friends. She does love and cherishes her friends and her loyalty to them is above her own heart's desires.

But despite her fashion-loving side, her biggest and most important quality she values most of all is her sense of Tolerance, she always believed that the personality was much more important than the appearances of others and sees the inner qualities.

History: Princess Tatiana was born in a mystical and beautiful realm, alongside her twin brother Takehito, as the younger twin; she is the second born to Queen Himari and her human husband Daniel.
As per the long line of her heritage, her natural elemental connection was revealed to be the Air at a young age at the same time as her brother discovered his own element of Fire.

At age 5, Tatiana began to hate her isolation and forced schedules, so she took a chance to sneak out of the palace and play in the nearby forest.. which nearly came to a near-death encounter with an evil spider witch, it was luck her father and the royal guards came to find her in time and save her life.. but the encounter left her with a deep fear of spiders.
A few years later, they all suffered a great tragedy as her father passed away from a mysterious illness, leaving her greatly saddened but also was a maturing point, promising herself that she will be strong like her father, but also gained a crippling fear of being alone because of it...

As she finally reached her teens, she was beginning to train in the basic magic and magical healing arts, lessons she truly enjoyed as her own mother is her teacher and gives them the time to bond. But with meeting and rejecting every rude prince that came her way, she always wondered if there was truly someone out there for her...

But now her life began to change and truly begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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