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It was something Bryce had been struggling with for years. People knew but not how bad it was. Bryce blames it on as dad as he was never there, he drowned his pain and sorrows out with weed and alcohol sometimes even Coke. He had overdosed twice but that was before he met Addison. She thought he was just being a typical party animal, but she started noticing that he was doing bad a few weeks ago when he came to her house so wasted that he woke Lucas. Addison was worried about him she loved him so much but she felt that the sway boys were not helping, they encouraged his habits.
It was the morning after he had gone out and gotten wasted Addison had decided to pull him aside and talk to him.

A- hey Bryce wake up
Bryce stirred and sat up in the bed and groaned
A-take the water let's go
Addison took his hand and they walked out to the patio
A- Bryce I love you so much but every night you come home either so high you think the toilet is me or your so drunk you throw up all night it's not fair to me and my family I want to help you but I can't if you don't tell me what's happening
Bryce Took a minute to think about all the information Addison had told him
Bryce spoke barely above a whisper
B- I'm addicted I can't live life without it
In that moment Addison felt so bad for her boyfriend her heart broke and all she wanted to do was help him. 
A-it's okay Bryce we can get through this I can help you
She Took his hands and brought him closer they cuddled as he cried into her chest.
She knew that he would need professional help but right now in this moment all he needed was a hug and love.

Thank you so much for 3k reads it's crazy that people saw this also please comment vote and please give me ideas

✨Bryce hall and Addison Rae imagines ✨             Where stories live. Discover now