Chapter 2

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"This feels wrong, maybe I shouldn't be here..." I turned around and walked away, but, then I turned around again, heading to the cave without stopping to think, then I stopped near a hole, I jumped down the hole, softly landing on the ground, "Huh, I never knew that my wings would help," I smirked, "Huh? What's that?" I walked near what looked like a body, "You okay? Are you hurt?" I held my hand out, they grabbed my arm, their grip tightened around my arm, "I need a soul." they then disappeared, my body then started to turn half pink, then stopped, "That... was weird, but... why do I feel stronger?" I looked at my hands err... well claws, then I walked to the hole, flying up and away from the cave, then I saw the tower, "Woah..." I landed on top of the tower, then I opened the door that led downstairs, then I blacked out when I came to. I was in a room, filled with lots of stuff, like a guitar, "Blixer liked guitars..." I mumbled to myself, I looked over to see someone standing there, next to me, sleeping, I poked them, "GAH!!" He jumped, "Oh, hey." He said I smiled, "Hey Blixer." They stood up, "How do you know my name? Only my servants know and my sister." He kneeled looking at my face, "Why are you half pink? My little sister was blue, not pink..." he replied, "I... Touched something, it seemed like it needed help." I told him, "Hmm, that's something Blair would like to do, But, do you go by a different name?" He asked, "Yup, Hollow." He was shocked, "No way... Blair?" I nodded, "Well, my dead name but yup, that's me!" I smiled as we hugged without saying a word. The next day I woke up looking at the land, "All pink, Great." I sighed, "What's wrong, Hollow?" Blixer asked, "Oh, nothing, it's okay." I sighed, then I got up and got ready for the day, I looked around paradise, and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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