Chapter 11

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It is now October. Gosh. The last month was hard. I wouldnt stop being, well.. sad. Every night Draco and I fall asleep in his bed, cuddling.

It was a weekend so I dont have to get up early, thank god. I wake up to Draco's arms around me. I'm glad he's mine, and mine only. I move trying not to wake him, but he pulls me back down.

"Going somewhere, beautiful?" Draco speaks, in his sexy voice, giving me a smirk.

"Dray. I need to get out of bed." I try getting out of his grip. But once again, be pulls me back into his arms.


"Ugh. Dray, I'm on my period. You dont want blood all over your bed now dont you?!" Draco loosened his grip and let's go of me. I smirk.

"You know, I'm not really on my period. I just wanted you to let me go." I start laughing while Draco gives me the puppy eyes.

"Ok, ok. I'll come back in bed." I lay my head on Dracos chest. I could feel his warm breath on my face.

After about half an hour, we got out of bed. It was 10:25. Gosh, we are lazy bastards arent we. I get up out of bed and go into the bathroom to change into some clothes. Me and Draco go to the Great Hall for breakfast. Everyone was staring at us.

We sit down st the Slytherin table and eat our food. Half way through eating my food, Hermione walks over. What in hells sake does she want.

"Umm, Maddie?" She started, shyly, speaking to me as if we had just met. I give her a quick nod and continue eating. "I guess your not in the mood for talking, I see. Anyways, your mother wants you to go back home." I look at her.

"No." All that came out of my mouth was a simple two lettered word. What did my mother want after how long, 4 years of not talking to me?! I didnt want to see her. She hasnt cared about me nor spoken to me.

"I understand that you dont want to see her because she hasnt talked to you for 4 years, but, she said its urgent." When I heard the last word Hermione said, my head shot up, rather quickly.

"What's wrong?" I ask, still food in my mouth. Hermione shrugs her shoulders.

"I dont know. She didnt say anything apart from she wants you home for a couple days." I smile and nod at her before giving her a gesture to go back to the Gryffindor table. I couldn't stop thinking about what my mother could possibly want after 4 years.

After breakfast, me and Draco go back to the room and I begin packing. I couldn't be bother doing it the muggle way so I used my wand to speed it up. Draco was sat on the bed, confused written all over his face. I was confused too.

"What's with the face?" I scoff.

"Just confused why your mother wants you after 4 years of not talking to you." I look at him sat on the bed. I walk over to him and sit beside him, with my head on his shoulder.

"Me too bubs, me too.," I sigh. Draco looks at me and turns my head, carefully, so it would be facing his. I look deep into his eyes, smiling as he does the same. He leans his head into mine and his soft lips touch mine. My arms wrap around his neck as his wrap around my waist. It was an amazing make out sesh until we both pulled away. We both smiled.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Draco whispers into my ear.

"If you want to then yeah, sure." I look back at him and kiss his cheek.

"Guess I should get packing then." Draco kisses my forehead and starts packing. I'm sure my parents wont mind.

As soon as were both finished packing, we go down to the train station. We find an empty compartments and put our bags down.

"I wonder what she wants." I stare out the window.

"Hey, whatever it is, I'm going to be right there, ok?" I look at Draco, smiling then continue looking out the window and drift off to sleep. It was early in the morning, dont judge me.

Draco's POV:

I look at Maddie because she's gone quiet and see her head leaning on the window. I get up and walk over to her to see her asleep. Gosh, she was adorable when she sleeps. I get a blanket and put it over her. I see her give a faint smile as I put the blanket on her.

Maddie's POV:

I feel Draco put a blanket over me so I give a smile.

2 hours later

I wake up to Draco lightly shaking me. I groan, "What?" I say, annoyed. Draco points out of the window so I turn my head. We were here. We were at the train station. Home. We get off the train and apparate back to my house.

"Wow. Nice house. It's pretty, big."

"It's alright." We walk through the grand doors and see my mother awaiting for me in the entrance.

"Ahh, Maddie, welcome home! I see you've brought a friend. What's your name, dear?" My mother welcomes me.

"Thank you mother. This is-"

"Draco Malfoy, ma'am," Draco speaks, politely.

"Gentleman, I see."

"When he wants to be," I whisper. Draco hears me and nudges me. I smirk.

"Very close I see." My mother grins.

"So, mother, you wanted to talk to me?" I change the subject.

"Ah yes, your friend will have to leave the room if that's ok." I look over at Draco.

"Mother hes not my friend.. hes my boyfriend, does he have to leave?" I tell my mother when a shocked expression appears on her face.

"Yes, he does have to leave. He can go in the kitchen. I'm sure he loves food." I groan.

"He sure does." Draco nudges me again and follows my mother into the kitchen.

My mother walks out of the kitchen and has a frown on her face. I look at her confused.

"Dear, I summoned you here because I need to tell you something...." my mother continued and tears from in my eyes. I run out of the room into my old bedroom and cry. I couldn't belive what she just told me. Draco comes up to bed and we both fall asleep.

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