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  -open this fucking door right now I want to leave ... my heart started to beat thousand beat a second (I have this condition ever since I was a baby my mom never let me get too excited or too mad or scared she told me I just black out since then I just didn't allow myself to be in these kind of situation) but now I feel my breathing is getting heavier.

-it will take only two mints, who is your father? ... he asked his question was weird why would anyone ask me this and who is he to ask me that and more importantly why he is interested ? At this point I was freaking out and really wanted to get the hell out of there.

-are you deaf OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!!!... I shouted in hope someone would hear me and help, but before I look back at him standing in the other side of the room I was slammed to the wall by something when I opened my eyes it was him pinning me to the wall his hand on my neck and the other on the wall

-bitch you better choose your next words because they may be your last ...then he turned my neck to the side and removed my hair to expose my neck he was looking at the scar of the knife from the other night then swiped his thump along my lips then he separated them open touching my teeth for some reason.

- you heal fast, you have a weirdly shaped canine your temperature is always higher than it should be let me ask again who is your father?... he removed his hand and I fall on the floor coughing my lungs off ( what does he mean most people has weird teeth and heal in different rates and what is with him and my dad?).

-I don't know the asshole but for some reason I think you are related ... as soon as finished that sentence my head went (bitch shut the fuck up)I lifted my head to see him looking at my wildly with me on fours and my butt is almost showing his face went red and his hands formed a fists .

- you are coming with me ...his eyes was fixating on me didn't move there were no emotions or movements in them his voice went deep and I started to notice his breathing was getting faster my heart sank as he said his last statement (am I being kidnaped why would anyone think of taking me I wasn't that young nor did I have that much money or anybody to claim me I was nobody).

-the fuck I am if you want to take me anywhere then you should kill me first ... I hissed at him between taking breaths

- I thought about that several times trust me ... he shrugged heading to the door opened it looked at me then got out once he did two large guys entered and after episode of pushing and pulling I was out of it. the last thing I remember him barking at the two guys

-if I as much found a scratch on her you are fucking died.

Next thing I know I was laying around in a dark cold room on the floor with no windows I tried to open my eyes and make sense of the situation but my eyes were hardly open it felt as if I was drugged or something .my right leg felt heavy when I tried to move it I realized I was chained to a freaking pipe in the wall.

-hello!! Hello!! Anyone pleas help ... I shouted what seemed like hours on end but nothing no one seems to hear I felt tired the room I was in didn't have any sign of anything couldn't figure out where I was or why for that matter. My head was pounding and my feet hurt so much I wanted to stand up but I was chained so close to the wall I couldn't tried to free myself but couldn't it only resulted more and more pain and wider wounds .

Then I heard footsteps then the door opened I can hear someone is in but I couldn't see who is it.

-hello!! Who is it please let me go I have nothing I am nobody please let me go I won't tell just let me leave hello talk to me !!

But whomever was it didn't utter a word they just kept walking around me the situation felt so familiar for some reason the I heard another they were two I can hear them very well I think the other one was a female her steps were lighter. She came closer to me then I heard something fall on the floor next to me .

-this is your food bitch I hope you chock on it... the women said with voice full of bitterness

-please lady why am i here? who are you people? I pleaded my voice was shaky and hardly heard . I felt her coming close to me she leaned and hold my face with her hand squeezing my cheeks between her fingers I was weak dehydrated and beaten I couldn't resist or move.

-look whore I don't know what he saw in you but you're stuck with me now so it's better for you to do as you told you filthy human... she hissed at me next thing I know I was thrown on the floor so hard I moaned in pain I felt my back was broken that bitch didn't save her strength and what s up with her last statement FILTHY HUMAN ?what? does she think she is a god or something? I thought she had enough with me but she was about to kick me when a voice interrupted her

-I don't think the alpha would be happy knowing you are treating his belongings the way you do... it was a man leaning against the room door I couldn't tell his face all I could see was a hug figure blocking the goddamn door with his body.

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