iii. Hellfire

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     WHEN ADALINE SAID GOODBYE TO ELI THAT NEXT DAY, it was safe to say that she never would've thought his charming smile and wave towards her father (who did somehow manage to be able to pick her up just this once, most likely because he didn't ...

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     WHEN ADALINE SAID GOODBYE TO ELI THAT NEXT DAY, it was safe to say that she never would've thought his charming smile and wave towards her father (who did somehow manage to be able to pick her up just this once, most likely because he didn't want to deal with Betty's bitching and moaning when she got home) would wipe off his face as soon as Desmond's Continental left the parking lot in an instant, only for him to turn around with his gang towards the poor girl just trying to leave school.

But then again, Adaline was oblivious about a lot of things regarding Eli. Instead, her mind was occupied about where Eli was going to take her in his new red Mustang that his parents had bought him. She didn't know he was a bully, or that while he did genuinely like her and wanted to stay with her, he still had one main goal in mind and it wasn't exactly going to church.

"Now that's the right sort of boy you oughta marry," Desmond told his daughter as they began driving home. "Nice fella, nice family, nice money..." He glanced over at Adaline, who was staring out her window with blushed cheeks (yet again...) Desmond shortly chuckled once, "What? Already plannin' in your head for somethin' after y'all graduate?"

"No," she answered. She looked back at her father, "What about college? You and Momma always told me I could go."

"Yeah, well, sweetheart," Desmond lightly chuckled, "not only do we got no funds for it no more, but," he laughed again, "I know you're smart and all, Adaline—maybe here you are at this school, but out there in the real world," he shook his head, "your mind isn't gonna be worth a Goddamn dime.

"Especially not to be a...what did you wanna do again?"

Adaline didn't respond at first, still in slight shock her father just essentially told her she was too stupid to be anything but a housewife. Well, and that they were too poor to pay for her to go but Adaline didn't hold onto that part.

"Hmm?" Desmond asked again, as if Addy had spoken but both passengers in the car knew damn well she didn't make a peep.

She did speak matter-of-factly, though, since she's had the same dream since she was a little girl, "A psychologist." Maybe then she could figure out what the hell made her parents' personalities become complete opposites of their past selves.

Desmond barked a laugh, "Oh, sweetheart—ha!—what's goin' on in that brain of yours? Everyone knows damn well you're not smart enough for that."

She narrowed her eyes in disbelief, "You've always told me I could become one, what changed all of a sudden?"

"Oh, sweetheart..." Desmond began "...you were a youngin'. Couldn't exactly break your heart then, now could I?" Well you didn't have any problem breakin' it a few years later. "But I'd expect you to gain some sense now, Adaline. I tell you what—don't even worry about college. You're not goin'. You'll marry someone nice for ya like that Elijah boy, and you'll be a damn good housewife. I mean, look at our floors! Never'd be able to tell you came in trackin' poor folks' filth all in it."

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