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I was inspired to create this book by Arielle (@Tomato_Turtle2024 ), whose poems are beauty. She is amazing. 

This poem was something that I wrote for class that my mother adores, inspired by 

While I while the day away

Unseen, the cotton-filled animals play

As I sing and learn and wonder                                                                                                                              

They sit upon my bed.

While I let the day pass by

They yearn to see, to be alive

And though I take one out today

The others wait in jealousy.

I tell them about my woes,

How I wish I could be free of foes

And as they listen they sigh,

Know that endless play is a curse, not a wonder.

Held captive by their fluffy design

They cannot roam, they cannot fly

And so they play in those same patterned sheets

Waiting, for friends to come back, to story-tell

And while they listen, eyes wide with wonder

Their companion tells of the world gone asunder

And just for a moment, a little tiny time-piece

They escape, to their own hopes and dreams.

And at night, as I wait for sleep

They cannot, must not make a peep

But when I drift off to a land of dreams

They relax and move their aching feet.

And when I wake, they are still

And when I peer out the window-sill

They are silent, above it all

They will not stir, though I call

And I know, in this world of science

It's all in my head, their stillness can't be simply compliance

And yet I wonder, could it be?

Could they yearn to run, be free?

Have they thoughts, secretly?

What do you think? This one's a little rusty, I don't like it all that much. It's from when I was younger. Tell me what you think.

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