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Sitting in a pool of this liquid libation, drifting further and further out to a sea of intoxication, which just happens to be my point of destination at the moment, my thoughts run free and I am grateful. 

I think about how grateful I am that the Lord has enough mercy in his heart to look after me and protect me. He protects a retch like me. A retch that still relishes in the sins of life, sins covered ever so securely with endless excuses, excuses so many, they outnumber my retched sins. Excuses so cleverly crafted they easily slip through the holes of a loop or should I say loopholes of a life made Christian. Excuses that sooth mind but not spirit.

I don't understand this mercy that he spreads out so liberally, it's like he's applying his favorite jam to bread, covering it all with excess spilling over all sides. In this semi inebriated state, I am in, I understand this not, but it is what it is. He forgives me over and over again.

 I realize I don't deserve it, but nevertheless he still has mercy on my soul. A soul that never forgets to forget the goodness that surrounds me. A mind short of memory is my affliction. Short on memory but long on requests of him. And I thank him for all his patience. Patience that he has for me that I myself don't possess enough of for others.

 I am a retch, undeserving of the excess amounts of jam on my bread. Yet and still, with each passing day, I turn my head slightly pretending not to see that my walk has straddled the outskirts of the path I should be on, this does not go unnoticed but to my surprise, my daily bread always has an abundance of jam.

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