The Fight part 2

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While you were on your way to go and get Vanessa and kill Francis the Avengers where looking for you. Before wanda could use her powers to find you she accompanied by Thor, and Dr.Strange were sent on a mission. The mission required those with magical powers. Even though Thor didn't actually have powers, he was still needed because you know jes a god.

Without them finding you was going to take a bit longer than they expected, it's been two almost three weeks since they got assigned to find you. Tony,Bruce,Scott,Vision and even Peter were looking through video footage throughout New York. While they did that Steves group were done with  pennsylvania and went to New Jersey.

Tony put your photo in F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s system so if she got a facial recognition she would alert Tony and the rest, to notify them that you've been found.

But that really wasn't possible since you always covered your face to hide from Francis just incase he came looking for you. And also the fact that most of the time you were in dark alleys well alleys in general. That was good, well for you , it wasn't good for them. You made it harder for them to find you. And that irritated Tony a lot and maybe sometimes Steve. Yeah he was a patient man but since Fury was on them 24/7. And Steve was just trying to do what he was told but you didn't help that much. But that didn't stop them to  kept on searching for you.


You got out of the house and retracted your ears and tail, because you had to. Wade walked out to the street with you behind him and a taxi .

"Hello there Mr.Pool" the driver said 

"Well hello there again Dopinder, i need to take us to a mansion" Wade said through the window

"Wade i thought we were going to that place" you pointed out

"Yeah but first im going to ask for a favor from an old...friend" he turned to you 

"Oh okay so what do I do?" You asked

"You,my dear, get in the taxi and i will take care of the rest " he then opened the front door for him to get in.

So you open the back door and slid in and you put on seatbelt like a normal human. But Wade being Wade he didn't. That's when he began to introduce you to the driver.

"Dopinder this is (y/n)"he pointed at you" (y/n) this is dopinder my private driver" he pointed at dopinder.

"It is very nice to meet it you miss (y/n)" he turned to you 

"Nice to meet you too Dopinder" you smiled at him

"Well now Dopinder, here"he gave him a piece of paper, you tried to look at it but you couldn't read it.

"I want you to take us there first then, to the second one, okay?" He asked him

"Yes,Mr.Pool sir" he began to drive away and you assumed the first place was the ' mansion ' he talked about earlier. But for the second destination you were clueless.

The drive was a bit far , while they talked about things you looked out the window. You've been locked up for so long you missed out on a lot of things. For you New York seemed to change a lot but it stayed the same, at the same time. You felt like a child going on a road trip to a campsite. The thing is , is that you knew how that felt. Before your parents gave you away, and before your powers you were a happy family.

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