Trouble With Trolls

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History of Magic class was always extremely boring, but with the anticipation of the Halloween feast later, today it was absolutely excruciating. Professor Binns was lecturing in his usual monotonous voice about mad old wizards who'd standardized the thickness of cauldrons in 1582 or some such drivel, completely unaware, as usual, of what was going on around him. Absolutely nobody was paying him any attention. Vince and Greg were playing Exploding Snap loudly at the back of the classroom; Theo, who normally at least attempted to pay attention for the first twenty or so minutes of class, was doodling what looked like an unflattering portrait of Professor Binns while Pansy looked on, giggling. Draco and Blaise, meanwhile, were using the time to practice levitating objects, which they'd learned to do in Charms class the previous afternoon. They were amusing themselves by levitating their classmates' belongings without anyone noticing, which proved very easy given that nearly everyone was either asleep or distracted. Draco had just swapped Pansy's book bag with Daphne Greengrass and was anticipating amusing results at the end of the lesson when Blaise lightly tapped his shoulder and gestured toward a bit of parchment on the desk between them.

Make something fly through Binns, he'd written. Draco gave a slight smirk.

10 points if it goes through his stomach, he scribbled on the parchment. Blaise grinned, and took up his quill.

50 points if it goes through his head.

Stifling a laugh, Draco slowly crumpled the parchment into a ball.

"Wingardium Leviosa," he hissed. The ball rose into the air and, with a slight flick of Draco's wand, sailed across the room and neatly through Professor Binns' translucent head. To their utter astonishment and delight, he simply droned on about Uric the Oddball and his habit of wearing a jellyfish for a hat. Their classmates, however, had begun to take notice. Daphne's head came up off her hand, and Pansy's eyes traced the parchment's trajectory across the classroom, searching for whoever was responsible. Blaise was quaking with silent laughter and Draco kicked him under the table. He didn't like the way Theo's eyes had flitted in their direction.

They waited a few moments for the class to sink back into a stupor before launching a second ball of parchment, this time with a much lower trajectory to avoid arousing suspicion. By the end of the lesson, Draco had scored 270 points and Blaise had scored 180, and both were thoroughly pleased with themselves. Though Professor Binns remained as oblivious as ever, the class had definitely taken notice.

"Who was doing it, though?" they heard Pansy ask Theo, as they left the classroom with Daphne.

"Oh, c'mon now, who d'you think?" he said shortly.

"Hang on..." Daphne was digging in her bag and looking very confused. "Pansy, I think this is yours."

"Don't be stupid," said Pansy airily, glancing backward at Draco.

"Oh, this isn't your diary, then?" said Daphne sarcastically, plunging her hand into the bag and extracting a lurid pink book. Theo looked as though Christmas had come early, and Pansy went violently crimson.

"Shut up," she muttered darkly, switching bags with Daphne. The three sped off, Daphne laughing raucously as Theo begged for a look at the diary and Pansy shrieked dark threats about what she'd do if he didn't shut up. Although they'd retained precisely nothing about Medieval madmen, Draco and Blaise felt they'd had a very productive lesson indeed. Overcome with laughter, they followed their classmates down the highly anticipated path to the Halloween Feast.


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