Meet the Crewmates (Unedited)

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No. That couldn't be right. I was probably just too busy doing my own thing to hear them say nine or something! Yeah; that was it. I decided I'd ask Riley about it later. For now, I should probably finish the wiring so I wouldn't look so lost. I smiled triumphantly to myself despite knowing nobody was there to see it. Let alone through the opaque, black helmet visor. I pulled the tablet out of the pack installed in the back of my suit and opened it again. It looked like I had more wires in Navigation.

I took out the map. Navigation was to the right of Cafeteria, Shields and o2 were over there as well. I decided I could knock out the most going that way. Closing the light panel back up, I strode to Navigation. As I entered, I saw a figure in a bright red suit. They made it pretty hard to tell, but from the height at the frame, I assumed it was a male. He was working on something on one of the panels.

"Huh! So there's other people in this ghost town!" I said jokingly, attempting to start a conversation. Being the extrovert I was, I'm normally pretty good at that. This guy seemed to disagree.

"You knew there were other people here.." The figure I now knew was definitely male deadpanned. I laughed awkwardly.

"Yes well, I-"

"I did notice extra people though."

I frowned. He noticed too. So I'm not crazy.

"Hell if I know. I'm not the one who was keeping track of IDs." I laughed, wanting to make a better impression on my fellow crewmate.

"Uhm, do you by any chance mind me asking your name?"

"For now, I call me Red. I prefer not to share my name quite yet."

I nodded in understanding. "Well, I'm Lydia! It was nice meeting you. I think I'll finish this task now. Red nodded, turning back to his task.

It's good to know there's someone I can trust here until I find Riley.


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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