the sadness of The Break-Up

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Once Larry was really mad because his dad slapped him for being gay Issa notice the red mark on his face and he said what happened there's a very very red mark on your face issa said are you okay Larry said yes Issa said no you're not that could swell up and but then he said well I can make it feel better then issa pushed his upper lip against Larry's lips very liked it so he kissed back Larry dragged i s s a to the but they will start to remove their clothes slowly once they removed all their clothes they started to push their bodies up against each other Larry said should stop ravon and Brady and Nadia it's going to be home soon issa that was so sad because the he didn't want to stop but he also didn't want to seem like a predator so he's sadly agree the whole day they were just trying to avoid each other and not let that happen again but it wasn't Issa who was sad
Larry because one of his very very very close family member that was also gay. She was very sad so he kept running up to his room cuz he didn't want issa to try to cheer him up issa knocked on the door very sad to come in he didn't want to be rude Issa came in and sad why are you crying Larry said it's because one of my very close family members die issa just said not to be nosy but who was it Larry said it was my brother he was very close family member if you was the only one that got me in the family my dad wanted me to be in the regular boy that played football my mom wanted me to be a girl but she didn't want me to be gay so then Isa said why you shouldn't have paid attention of them if your brother was the only one that connected with you and you should have just stayed with him I'm so sorry for your loss I never knew how it felt to lose a family member and when my brother used up Happy on the back when I was crying because Dad used to slap me on the face because I was gay he would rub my back and say I'm sorry that you have to go through that when I was growing up we didn't have much food cuz my mom was going bro cuz they fired her from her job my dad didn't have much money cuz he was only coach he didn't make any money so of course my parents but it all up to me me and my brother had to work and work and work all day so our life was pretty tough is a no idea Mike my life I had to deal with it so I dealt with it he says that I'm so high sorry you had to go through that Larry heard Brady screaming help me help me get him off of me Larry ran downstairs to see what was going on ravon was beating Brady up for eating his lasagna Larry said if you don't get off hand that lasagna tasted like cheese Fiddlesticks and give dirty and get out of here boy issa breast it out laughing ravon said imma get y'all bat for this issa said no you won't in five days you'll forget about it then start going back to normal and farting on the couch that's why nobody sits on it Brady said y'all just going off on ravaughn today huh Nadia walked in and said why y'all look like y'all trying to possess someone y'all sitting all in the Triangle very sad know I'm being a Coochie Man Zen Larry went outside to do a Tik Tok my phone was bored so he joined Larry straight up came when you went inside to do boppy fell on the floor and he said oh my head Isa said you okay Larry said no my head hurt she said that's what you get for trying to do the splits secretly weary invited Levi over for Isa Larry said he say you have company Levi worked at Easter and a way that wasn't just friends where it said if you ever ever try to kiss my boyfriend you'll be six feet under understand me Levi and mace that door open I'm watching you I'm not overprotective but I'll be. No I'm not even going to say that next word Susan Issa and leave I want upstairs Isa said how have you been Levi said I've been busy trying to put this stupid better mattress up on my back assassin you're weird then last show me they close the door and we find in a second once Larry Peak through the door he's eyes filled with tears you started crying loudly and Issa said where are you I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do it Larry says too late I don't care anymore just don't ever talk to me again the next day Larry was avoiding issa all day Maddie said what's wrong with Larry he's been heartbroken all day he hasn't been eating one he's just been going outside and playing on the stairs and thinking about you he's saying that even though he's so it's really cute that she still love me I don't know I don't know I don't know if he even want to be together I saw he just feel bad is SA after sex's I can't have him thinking that I don't like him ASA said I'll go outside and talk to him Maria said you better hurry I don't like seeing Mary upset Isa went outside and said hey Larry are you okay I didn't mean to kiss Levi and honestly I didn't even do it he pushed me closer to him I don't want but he just tried to push my head towards him that's what it made it looks like I was trying to get them back I'm so sorry it will never happen again Larry said it's okay let's go inside C freezing out here Easter create they both went inside and drugs mod drug Nadia said Larry and i s s a sitting in the tree k i s s i n g Larry said throw up and leave us alone Brady said what are you doing touching my boyfriend Larry said you're still not over that bull crap why can't you just forget about us we were never together and we will never will be understand Brady said okay I didn't mean it just joking around with you guys Nadia told me to do it how do you say I hate how you didn't do nothing you better leave me out of this while I'm working at McDonalds. Larry last Nadia said don't play with me and slammed his head on the chair once again Larry said I don't matter what is up with people in my head what do they have against my head is not even a bad the four has something against it and Nadia is SA said stop slamming his head it hurts and sometimes people have feelings too Nadia don't do that that's really mean Maddie says fine but don't mess with me Larry all slam your hat again after that Brady and Nadia stops speaking because Brady betrayed her don't know how don't want to know how

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