the jealousy

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Larry started hanging out with Tony Lopez Larry wanted 2 Enter deuce him into Issa but he was too scared because he thought that Issa would get jealous but he gained enough courage to tell Isa that he was hanging out with Tony Lopez one day they were hanging out and Tony Lopez and Tony Lopez said the n-word where we thought that was offended so he said let's fight you shouldn't be saying the n word they start the fight there was beating everybody up he straight-up knock Tony Lopez to the gate Issa try to break them up but she could have kept trying to fight after a few weeks ago still mad at each other but decided to forgive each other where is sad that you shouldn't have to be mad at someone for a long time for that but I still feel offended but it's okay because I don't care you're still my friend and I should forgive you no matter what if I went over them something with a good friend and kiss me on the cheek Larry kisabac the next morning Levi with over they were hanging out Isa couldn't hold back cheetahs Levi's faster so American see he took him upstairs and started kissing him in the bathroom Larry peek through the crack and said are you serious I've had feelings for you for basically since I've met you and you're going to go do this I hate u e so you'll never be my best friend again now that I see I can't trust you Isa said I'm so sorry Larry said it's too late and ran downstairs with tears in his eyes Brady says why is he so mad Isa said not now Brady Larry said never ever talk to me again why would you do this Issa you knew I have feelings for you Levi said I'm so sorry I didn't know you have feelings for Isa where is that just leave me alone and drove away it's a sad I feel so bad I didn't know well I didn't know Levi said wait you did know then why'd you do it you could have told me a sister like you that's why I didn't tell you everything come back until the next morning he avoided Easter all morning didn't want to talk to him and never thought he would issa was trying to get him to talk but he wasn't Larry finally says something and said Isa why did you do it Isa said I'm so sorry Larry I don't want to well I did but he just looks so hot Larry said I forgive you I guess I'll just have to move on said in a sad voice is a felt really bad after doing that but you won't believe what happened next

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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