Chapter 30: Advance Study with Lesmione

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Gusion felt trapped.

It was the next Saturday, and he was in the library. Seated at one of the tables, Guinevere was in front of him studying Potions and Charms. He was supposed to be preparing for the O.W.L.s too, but he couldn't help but be distracted.

He smoothed out the front of his teal shirt, his black sneakers tapping the ground at a steady beat. He looked at the time. Only a few minutes had passed since they got here, but it certainly felt longer. He fidgeted with his dark cyan jacket, tracing the gold stripes down to his matching pants.

Guinevere was well-dressed, too. Wearing a black blouse along with a royal purple skirt that matched her low heels and short socks, she looked stylish as ever.

Gusion didn't want to be here with Guin. He was only with her because he had run into her earlier in the hall. He was going to invite Lesley to study with him, but Guin saw him first. She asked him if he wanted to go to the library with her. And of course, being as she was his fiancée, he couldn't say no.

His eyes wandered to his Guin's face. She was focused on her book, her quill pen swiftly going across the page, writing down notes. He had to think of a way to escape. Guin had told him to stay away from the Vances, and it wouldn't be good if she knew what he was planning.

"Hey Guin," whispered Gusion. "Guin."

Guinevere looked up from her notes. She smiled. "Yes, darling?

"How long are you going to study for the O.W.L.s?"

"Maybe an hour or two. It depends on the subject. The test is going to cover all of our previous lessons, I believe. So it might take longer than that." Guinevere leaned back and rested her hand on the Potions and Charms book. "Why aren't you studying? I thought you were also going to study."

"Yeah, but-" he scratched his head-"I'm not really in the mood."

That was a lie. He did want to study, just not with her. He shifted in his seat, uncomfortable under his fiancée's scrutiny.

Guin was suspicious of him. His body language, facial expression... is he hiding something?

"Stop being lazy. Find a way to motivate yourself. And don't you dare run off Gusion; you know how important the O.W.L.s are." Her stern gaze left Gusion's face as she returned to her studies. Noticing that he still wasn't moving, "What are you waiting for?" she exclaimed, keeping her voice at a low volume. They were in a library after all, and a lot of other students were also studying.

"Fine." Gusion groaned and finally took out his Potions and Charms book.

Guinevere gave a satisfied smile and started reading as well.

As Gusion tried to read, an idea popped into his head. "Hey, Guin? Uh, you know how you told me to go and find motivation? Well, I just thought that maybe I could go to the garden first before I study. To uh... relax my nerves and everything."

Guin's questioning eyes were making him more and more nervous by the second.

"So... can I go?"

"How long will you be gone? Are you going alone or are you meeting with someone?" asked Guinevere, her eyes still inspecting Gusion's face.

"I'll only be there for two hours, and I’ll be alone. Plus, I know a place where I know no one can see me, so I won’t be distracted. Please, Guin?” he begged. She thought it over and sighed. "Fine. But you better make sure you're back in two hours." She leaned in, whispering sternly, "Don't be late." Stressing each word making sure he understood.

Gusion gulped and let out a sigh of relief; he didn't think it would work. "Thank you, Guin."

He started packing up his possessions, but Guinevere gestured for him to leave them behind.

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