My only friend

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John was in his room thinking about the fight with the royals when he hears a knock he opens the door to see sera "oh hey sera" "we need to talk" "umm ok" John leads her to his room only slightly nervous "ok so what did you want to talk about?" "WHY DID YOU LIE?!" She screamed "about what?" "ABOUT HAVING AN ABILITY ABOUT BEING JOKER ABOUT EVERYTHING HOW MANY LIES HAVE YOU BEEN TELLING ME?" Suddenly she breaks down crying, John tries to comfort her but she doesn't let him "EXPLAIN" "ok I will, it started when I went to New Boston and met a girl named Claire, she went to help me because she saw my injuries and she had a vision of me... Me becoming king. So she helped me get stronger until I was too powerful corrupted with power and she got the schools strongest students and I... I beat them all I put them all in the hospital in critical condition so I was expelled and went to readjustment classes for 3 months, my instructor Keon  cuffed me to a table and pushed my head into it forcing me to see all the people I beat, I came back and my dad gave me the book UnOrdinary I read it and liked it but I never wanted to become a superhero. So after a year I enrolled into Wellston as a cripple because I wanted to start over but Arlo didn't let me he took me to turf wars and ambushed me with Ventus and Meili and forced me to use my ability because I wasn't "acting my rank" so I beat them both and that's about it." "Do you think I wanted you to become joker?" Sera sad between sobs "No but I did it for you because you are my only friend because I was tired of you being crushed by the hierarchy so I did it to protect you." Suddenly Sera starts crying into johns chest "so that's what your dad meant by you're a troubled kid?" "Heh yeah." "I love you John." Johns cheeks start to glow pink "umm what?" "I said I love you." John gets very embarrassed and doesn't know what to say then decides... "I love you too Sera" They hug before Sera goes back to her dorm and John thinks to himself "well that went well"

A/n so what do you guys think for my first story and btw John and Sera have always had something for each other ok until next time byee

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