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Hi im Adam ,me and my best friend Justin are met i school because we're classmate and seatmate . We buy our own house in Washington Seattle for youtube channel . Sometimes we play roblox,we doing zero budget and guess the price.

1 day we are going to California using only train and we're going to trip in Calfornia and we sleep in there for 2 days and ,we went back home safely.

After 2 weeks im at the hospital because i have asthma and i can't breath when im at my bed my Mom and Justin are at my side to take care of me. My Mom hold my hands and she said "you'll be okay son" and my Mom leaves to buy us some food for us, while my Mom buying us some food Justin hold my hands and he said  "dude you'll be okay when your mom comeback here i will gonna eat with you and your mom and we will have a little foodie partayyyyyyyyy yah" i chuckles, when my mom cameback with a pizza and a salad for me. I said to my Mom that your the best Mom that i ever met, and my Mom kiss me in Forehead.

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