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3rd person POV

Max couldn't believe it: he was back at Camp Campbell for a 5th year. It was a wonder that the camp hadn't been shut down yet, but even more so that his parents had even sent him for 5 years (given they did forget to drop him off at the bus stop one year).

In his first year at Camp Campbell he had constantly tried to escape, but this year was different. Over the years he had gotten quite attached to the camp and even David though he would never admit to it. This year his plan was to stay at camp and not go home even after summer ended.
As Max hopped off the bus he saw David already trying to extinguish Neil's hair that Nikki somehow set on fire, and then he saw Gwen walking towards him.

"They've been here for half an hour and it's already utter chaos," Gwen turned towards Max, "Welcome back. I get the feeling you aware about to make my job five times harder."

"Probably," Max responded as Gwen ran off to save Preston from Nurf. Max walked over to his tent and threw his bag inside right next to Neils trunk. It only made a soft thud because there was only a few things inside: a set of clothes, an extra hoodie, Mr.Honeynuts, and his bathroom bag with a tooth brush, toothpaste, and a razor.

Max headed back out to the main area of the camp and stood next to Neil.

While Neil and Max caught up about what they'd done over the year David said, "Welcome back campers! We have a very exciting summer ahead of us! Today we are going to have a cooking day!" (That was a lot of exclamation marks but it's David so what did you expect). Quarter master walked back towards the bus grumbling about how dirty the kitchen was going to be at the end of the day.

All of the campers went running to the kitchen to find groups to work with. Max Nikki and Neil already knew that they would work together. They met up next the the Window in the kitchen to decide what to cook.
"We should roast squirrels!!" Nikki yelled.
"It seems you haven't changed much over the past year," max chuckled, "I don't care what we make but I would rather not have to go and catch a squirrel"
"What if we made ice cream?" Neil said. Nikki and Max said that they were both okay with that, so they set out to go find the ingredients from the pantry.

Time skip cause I don't want to describe making ice cream rn

After all the campers had finished cooking their food, they had it on a buffet for dinner. Neil and Nikki both tried nearly every food, except for Nurf's sandwiches ( they looked a little too sus ). Max on the other had only got a small scoop of the ice cream they made together and a slice of bread Harrison and Nerris made.

Neil noticed that Max didn't have much food. He was worried but he didn't say anything because he didn't want to freak Max out at all.

That night

"Hey Max, are you planning on sleeping in jeans and a hoodie?" Neil said.

"I don't have anything else to wear" responded Max.

"You can borrow some of my extra PJ's"


Max struggled to get his hoodie over his head and slipped on the clothes that Neil handed him. Neil noticed that Max was really skinny - Max's ribs were super visible and he had bruises and scars everywhere. This just made Neil even mor worried.

"What are those from?" Neil asked, pointing to the bruises and scars on Max's torso.

"It's nothing" Max said as he started buttoning up the shirt quicker.

"What about those? Are you okay?" Neil asked again pointing to Max's arms thus time.

"I'm fine! Just stop asking me. If I want to tell you I will!"

Neil was really worried about Max but he laid off because he didn't want to pressure Max into talking about something that was so hard for him to be vulnerable about. Neil laid over and tried to sleep but couldn't stop thinking about what he could do to help Max when he didn't even completely know what was going on.

Max also tried to sleep, but he had a hard time doing so as usual. His head just wouldn't shut up.

"If they find out why you have so many scars your friends will abandon you."

"No one cares. That's what your parents said. Why would the rest of the world be any different?"

"Why did you eat that ice cream? You don't deserve food."

"You'll never escape your home. There's nowhere for you to go - not even David would want you if he knew how broken you are"

Max couldn't stand it any longer. He looked over to see if Neil was asleep, and when he saw that he was, Max grabbed his bag and walked to the bathroom.

Max didn't know this, but Neil was actually awake and saw max leave with his bag. 'I should ask him about that tomorrow' Neil thought to himself.

876 words
Art is by me
I'll update as soon as possible but it takes me a little longer because I do the art unique to each chapter

an angsty Camp Camp Dadvid fic that I cant think of a title forWhere stories live. Discover now