Stuck in an Elevator

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Jungkook (23) and Liah (22)

Jungkook's POV
Today I'm going to hangout with Liah , we've been best friends for about 5 years . She's the only girl I'm close to , so I ask her if she wanted to hangout today.
Liah said yes, now I'm heading to her house to pick her up. Liah came to Korea back in 2014 , she's from the U.S. When she came to my school for the first time she was so freaking pretty.

At her house
I got out of my car and walked to her house , I ring the doorbell . Liah opens the door with a bored face . I lean on the door frame,
"Come on princess" I tap her chin , knowing she hates that
Liah: uggggh loser
She walks to her room and gets dress, I just walk in and sit on the couch. Liah come back out , she wearing an outfit that looked similar to mine.
"Let's go"

At the mall
Liah pulled me to different stores, so once I picked a store she rolled her eyes , cause it was like a store for men.
Liah: eww
I laugh at her , she was walking behind me.
A guy: Ayo Jungkook
I look up and see my friend Taehyung.
"Hey man what you doing"
Taehyung: I got bored and came here, see you brought your girlfriend
"No , she's not my girlfriend, she's my best friend"
Liah: ewwww , why would I date him
Taehyung: ohh , what's your name
Liah: nothing
I bump her shoulder, she always acts like this.
Liah: uggh, it's liah
Taehyung: oh I'm taehyung, one of Jungkook's friend, you're pretty.

She hid behind me ,Liah doesn't know how to act when she gets compliments. I feel her holding my hoodie.
Taehyung: is she shy or something?
"No , she's just being weird"
Taehyung: awww she's so cute
I heard Liah whisper something
Liah: please stop
I pulled her off of me and she was looking down, she's blushing.
Taehyung: sorry I made you nervous
Liah just shook her head
Taehyung: Sorry, but here's my number so we can be friends. You can type in your number or I'll type in mine.
Liah took his phone and typed her number in.
Taehyung: okay , bye Jungkook and Liah
He walks away

Liah: he's cute
"Wow I didn't think you'll say something like that"
Liah: he's handsome actually, do you have anymore friends like that.
"Oh my gosh, love at first sight"
Liah: no I just think he's cute , but you can say the same thing about yourself when you met me . (She walk to a hoddie section in the store)
"Wow she didn't have to go there"
Yes when I first met Liah I had a crush on her at that moment, I still do but , I don't think she knows that.
My friend told me to shoot my shot , I did and she smack that ball . Yeah I got rejected but she still wanted to be friends. And now we've been friends for 5 years.
I follow her to the hoodie section.
Liah: I want this one .( it was a light blue hoodie)
" I like this one" (it's was the same hoodie but in red)
Liah: so well be matching
"Yes, let's go to the cashier"
I hold both of the hoodies and then I payed for them.

Liah: can we go to the store up there.
"What store is it"
Liah: Pink (she smirk) this is for taking me into that men's store
"Ewww I don't want to go in there" she pulled me to the escalator. The escalator stopped for a second and then started back up again.
Liah: woah( she leaned back because of the stop , I caught her)
" the escalator is probably going to broke soon" I laugh
Liah: it's old as freak
She holds my hand and takes me into the Pink store .
We walk in and I was shook.
It's dark in here but then it's bright over there, so confusing.
I saw the mannequins, I looked away and a worker came up to me and Liah ran away .
Worker: Hello , sir , do you need help with anything
"Ugfgggg No, I just need to find-"
Worker: are you here with your girlfriend
"No , my best friend"
Worker: you should buy her these
The worker hands me some panties , I nearly screamed.
Worker: go to her , they're on sale.
I walked away fast so I can find Liah
I found her at the dressing rooms,
"Liah, take these please"
I handed her the underwear
Liah: I don't need this , how the freak do people wear these.
She places the underwear on the table , so I worker could pick them up
Liah: I didn't see anything , we can go

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