Stuck in an Elevator

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Jungkook's POV
"Uggggh hurry up Jimin"
Liah: Who's Jimin
"He's my friend"
Liah: Oh for how long
"Since I was young, Taehyung the one you met in the store, we've been friends for like 6 years"
Liah just nods her head

Felix: so are you guys dating
Liah started laughing like a crazy person
Liah: no I wouldn't date him
I looked down rubbing my head.
Felix: so just close friends or best friends
"Yeah" I felt sad a little
I get a call from Taehyung

On the call
Taehyung: Jungkook where are you .
"Go to the elevator, we're on some weird floor"
Jimin: yeah we're in the elevator but the—
Taehyung: what the heck
Then they stopped talking
"Hello , hello, Jimin , Taehyung"
Liah : why did they stop talking

Taehyung: why is it dark
Jimin: turn a light on or something
"Oh you're back"
Jimin: the elevator fell, and now there are symbols on the screen.
"Oh okay , you're close to the area we are in"
Taehyung: Jimin help me open the door
" Taehyung be careful"
Taehyung: don't worry we're just opening the door
"No like there's some weird thing-"
And the call ended
Liah: why did they hang out
" I don't know but I need to tell them about that zombie dude out there—"
Then we heard screaming, and then something trying to get into the room.
" Liah go over there and hide"

The banging on the door,
Jimin: is someone in there let us in please
I open the door and the guys ran in here, I shut the door and lock it.

Taehyung: what the heck is that creature out there
Felix: it's guy on drugs that's chained up but there are more creatures down here
Jimin: how do you know
Liah: he's been down here for a week
Jimin: wow , no one came to help you
Felix: unfortunately no, but you guys can help me.
Taehyung: oh hey Liah
Liah hid behind me again.
Taehyung just laugh at her reaction
Jimin: Jungkook is that the Liah you're always talking ab-
I gave him a glare.
Jimin: take that as a yes , hey Liah I'm Jimin
Liah peeked her head out
Liah: hey Jimin.
Liah then whispered in my ear
Liah : why are all of your friends hot
I smack my forehead
"What about me"
Liah just looked at me
Liah: nah (She giggled)
Ugggh she always does that, just please just say I look cute something please!!!!

Jimin: so what's the plan
Felix: here's the map, we have to go through the exit.
He told Jimin and Taehyung the plan, they agreeed to it.
Felix: we need split up tho, and then come back together here.(he points to an area that was empty)
Felix: anyone want to go with me .
Jimin: I'll go with you
Taehyung: I'll go with Liah
I squinted my eyes , is he serious.
Jimin: Jungkook you be with me and Felix
Jimin: you're in our group.
I looked down and walked with Jimin and Felix to the door.
Jimin: you'll be fine, he ain't going to do anything to her
"That's not it , I just wanted to be with her"
Felix: you like her
Jimin: of course he does , he has like her since high school and maybe even middle.(he laughs)
"Ha ha ha, funny"
Jimin: okay her are some weapons I guess and tools.
Felix opened his bag up,
Jimin: we have a broken bottle, a rope, flashlight, and some walkie talkies, hopefully they work
Felix: Jungkook hand these to them
I take the walkie talkies to Taehyung and Liah.
Liah and Taehyung: thanks
I walk back to Jimin and Felix .
Felix opens the door and peeks out.
Felix: no one is here but we have to move quick.

Jimin: Taehyung and Liah turn on your walkie talkies, and when you here the
Felix: clear , walk out of this room immediately and moved quick okay
Liah: yes sir (she's so weird)
Felix: let's go guys
We walk out of the room and stay close to the wall.
We keep walking until we reached the end of the wall. Felix walks out first and told us to follow him
We did until he fell on the ground and was being pulled. I ran to him so did Jimin and we try to pull him back. Jimin shined his light on the thing pulling Felix and it was another human but they looked terrifying.
Felix: Help me
Then I heard footsteps come from behind me. And then I heard a loud thud. The thing pulling Felix stopped.
And we got Felix and pulled him back.
Felix: gosh, my legs and stomach hurt.
Jimin shines his light out and the thing was laying on the floor dead.
Liah: oh yeah, I killed it
Liah: yes ?
"You were supposed to wait"
Liah: and let him die, no I heard screaming so I came out here

Stuck In an Elevator ||| Jungkook Where stories live. Discover now