Mad Dog-chan

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Author POV.

Jogging down the halls in their school so that she won't keep him waiting, she turned a corner to see a guy glaring at her as though he's saying "Move" and she was about to do that but this guy roughly bumped into her shoulder and continued on his way

"That hurts"
She said to herself while holding and massaging the shoulder the guy had just bumped

"Wonder what that was about"
She said to herself and continued her jog until she arrived at the gate of her school

"Sorry to keep you waiting brother"
She apologized and her brother dismissed it

"Did something happen? You're holding on to your shoulder"
Her brother asked and she looked over at her own shoulder

"Oh it was nothing, just a guy who was glaring bumped into me"
For a second her brother was concerned

"How many times have I told you Shinji Onii-chan"
She said and thankfully Wataru became not worried

"What did the guy look like?"
He asked and she tried remembering the guy's face

"He was blond with a pair of black strips beside his head"
She answered and Wataru was quiet

"*Sigh*That's Kyotani, I apologize for his behaviour Y/N, he's just not good with people, and he only listens to Iwaizume-san"
Wataru apologized and Y/N didn't think much about it and they went home together

Next day

Mmmmm~ who's disturbing my sleep?

"Y/N, Y/N!, Y/N!"
Opening my eyes a little bit and searching for the person who tried waking me up and saw that it was only my brother

"Ugh! What do you want? I was having a good sleep"
I asked as I hugged the blanket closer to my body and felt him sit beside me

"You're good friends with our manager right?"
He asked and I have out an agreeing sound

"She's sick right now and I wanted you to watch us play a practice match"
Pushing the covers off me I looked at him dead in the eyes without saying anything and suddenly sit straight

"Fine, I'll come"
After that my brother left the room as I freshened myself up. After that and after changing into appropriate clothes for the practice match we filled my brother and his teammates' water bottles. My brother carried those while I prepared their towels, after doing those and checking if there were anything else I needed to do we set forth towards our journey

"I haven't met any of them right?"
I asked and he shook his head

"None of them except Kyotani if you count the bump accident"
My brother said. Upon arriving at our school-I go to Aoba Johsai too-I bowed to every one of them and introduced myself

"We knew you had a sister but we didn't think she'd be this pretty"
All of them said at the same time making me embarrassed but still thanked them

"She'll be our manager for today since our current manager is sick, please treat her with care"
Seeing my brother bow made me bow out of instinct

"Of course she'll be fine, no man would come near her when their eyes lay upon me"
*Sweat drop*Iwaizume-san's fist came colliding with Oikawa-san's head and also scolding him. My eyes wondering away from them and unknowingly searching for him

"He's not here"
I said and caught the attention of a few members

They asked

"Uhm I think his name was Kyotani?"
So said, unsure if I was correct

Haikyuu!! Imagines🏐🐈👑🦉🦅🧱Where stories live. Discover now