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Zander's Pov- I run down the hallway after school to the locker rooms. We just got back from football practice, and we all want to change. I look behind me to see Caleb gaining on me. I start running faster and soon skid into the locker room and turn to face him when he comes in. He slides in, yelling something about Jordan and Oliver coming, and runs into me. We fall, and he lands on me. Jordan comes running in with Oliver right behind him and they fall on us too. I can barely breathe with the three of them on my and I start wheezing. Oliver jumps off when he hears my struggle and pulls Jordan off too. Caleb rolls off and sits next to me, checking if I'm okay. I say I am, but really I'm having trouble breathing. I just don't want him to worry. I don't know why I'm still struggling to breath though. I walk to my locker, grab a spare shirt and shorts and a towel, and head to the showers. I step into a stall(?) and turn on the water, letting it trickle over me. I think about what happened after Caleb fell on me, and feel myself get warmer. I reach out and turn down the heat, now letting cold water run over me. I realize I've been in the shower for 3 minutes, and quickly wash my hair. I have math first period. Ugh. This is why I like after school practice better. I grab my towel and pat myself dry. I pull on my clothes and step out of the stall.(again ?) Caleb steps out of the one next to me, and as he finishes pulling on his shirt, I turn away, feeling my face get hot again. Why does he always make me feel like this? I walk over and throw my shorts and shirt from practice into my locker, closing and locking it. I head out to the commons, and sit down, waiting for the first bell.

Caleb's- Pov- Wow Zander was really flushed, I thought silently and I wondered the empty hallways. Maybe he's sick? I walk over to him and stick my hand onto his forehead and put one on my own. He feels warm and his once slightly red face just became, ten shades redder. I could feel the heat radiating off of him

"Hey Z? Are you okay?" I ask and he turns his head to the side.

"Y-yeah" he stutters back "Um, can I talk to you privately?" He asks, his face getting all serious.

He looks really stressed and I couldn't just say no, "Sure."

We walk over by the gathering stairs, which is a place where people can just plug their phones in and relax. It is also right next to the library and you can see all of the books from this giant window. We find an empty spot and I glance out the window to see Sera looking back at me. She smiled and nudged the person standing next to her, who turned out to be Arabelle and they smiled and waved at me. I waved back and turned back to Zander. He looked all sweaty and nervous.

"Hey Zander, are you okay bro?" I ask and he gives me a weak smile.

"Yeah, I just wanted to ask you a question that I didn't want the other guys to hear."

"What is it?"

He takes a deep breath and lets out a long sigh. "What do you do if you feel attracted to someone?"

I stare back at him in shock. This was not how I expected this to go. I expected him to ask me something like if he should try out for the baseball team. I mean he would be a great addition, and he sure has the body for it. I mean look at those abs- No. Stop brain. You aren't supposed to think like that. Then my mouth slowly creeped into a smile.

"Ahhh, so little Z has got a crush?" I ask, smirking.

"N-no.. Maybe?"He replies while blushing.

"Well, what is it then?" I playfully retort.

His face goes ten shades redder, (if it was even possible,) and replys shakily with "Y-y-yes."

He starts to shake uncontrollably. "Whoa! Z! Are you okay!?" I rush over to him and start to rub his back while he starts to whimper and mumble things. All I hear are bits and pieces like 'fag' and 'I am so dead.' I had never seen him act like this and to be honest, it terrified me. I recognized it as a panic attack right away, because a girl in my class,the same one that I waved to earlier, Arabelle, had one at the end of last year. She had started shaking and sobbing, and had to be led out of the room by her best friend Sera to go have a chat and talk. I later found out that it was because she put so much pressure on herself, and was having problems fuctioning and trying to be the perfect child. She has gotten better but is a little more cautious and less carefree than she used to be. I remembered that when Ara had gotten hers, Sera knew just what to do, like she had done it before. She had rushed up to Ara and held her, whispering little nonsense, trying to snap her out of it. But the thing that I remember the most, was how Sera would pinch Ara's arm and count to five. Everybody else was either watching or laughing, but Sera didn't seem to care. She just kept pinching Arabelle's arm and counting to five.

I tried to do the same. I picked up his arm and said, "listen to my voice Zander, it's me, only me." I pinched him and counted to five and his shaking started to die down. I kept repeating the action and he eventually started breathing evenly and his eyes teared up. I saw it coming but it was still a surprise. Zander. Never. Cried. Okay maybe when we were kids, but what else do you expect. I hadn't seen him cry since elementary school so this was weired.

I knew this wasn't the time to ask about his crush, so I looked at him and gave him a smile.

He looked back with a watery smile and said "Thank you Cal.. That meant more than you know."


Then he did the forbidden.

The unspeakable.

He kissed me.

On the lips. And I enjoyed it. Well they warned me that Satan was hot. I felt like there were fireworks going off. It felt amazing. He pulled away, his face red and when I raised my hand to pull him into a hug, he flinched and recoiled as if I was going to hit him. I knew it was betraying god, but I wanted more. I wanted to kiss his faintly pink lips again and again, and taste his sweet taste.

So I did.

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