Chapter 5: Unexplainable Embarrassing Events

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I woke up the next day with a headache. I got up and out of bed and started to head for the showers. Only to find that the girls showers were locked with a sign in bold letters reading, 'OUT OF ORDER! USE BOYS SHOWERS!' I mentally screamed inside and waddled, with my clothes, over to the Boys side of the common room and hesitated.

I slowly turned the knob after looking behind me to make sure the coast was clear. It was way to early for anyone to be up... right? I sighed and shook my head. I opened the door and crept inside, shutting the door behind me.

I tried finding the most hidden shower and decided on the one farthest from the door. I hung my clothes up over the top of the shower and turned it on.

I began washing myself when I heard the door open and three mumbling voices echoing through the showers. I mentally died and turned off the shower to try and hide my presence.

"Crabbe, Goyle... out. Now."

I heard someone say. I shuddered and backed up against the wall after quietly grabbing my towel and wrapping it around myself. Footsteps echoed through the showers and got closer and closer and closer until they stopped at the shower across from mine.

I peeked over the shower wall and saw the familiar platinum blonde hair, he was facing the opposite direction and couldn't see me. I shuddered as he slowly took his shirt off, revealing his muscled back.

I gulped which he seemed to hear. He whipped his head around eyeing my stall before his eyes trailed up to meet my gaze.

He smirked, which caught me off guard. My feet feel out from under me and I face planted on the cold, stone ground.

"Fuck, (Y/N) are you okay?" I heard Dracos voice, as he tried to open the door. "Malfoy, I swear if... you - open that door- I. Will. Kill. You." He stopped and chuckled, "Fine... Have a nice shower."

I growled and stood up, wiping my nose which had bled from the fall. With my towel still on, I opened the door, looking down as I thought he had left. I walked out of the shower and ran into a very muscled chest. Draco held my shoulders so I wouldn't fall over again.

I looked up and blushed, he smirked. My breath caught in my throat and I did something unimaginable. I reached up to his chiseled abs and felt them, trailing my fingers along them individually, earning and shocked gaze from Draco.

"(Y/N), If you don't stop I might take you, here and now..."

I swallowed and closed my eyes tightly. I grabbed my clothes and ran out of bathroom, gasping for air as I got to my dorm.

//At the end of the day//

I had gotten detention in potions class for back talking Proffesor Snape. He assigned the worst person to watch me, Draco Malfoy.

I walked into the class and sat down at a desk, I was the only one there. I saw Draco sitting on Snapes desk and he smirked at me, "Just can't stay away can you?" I glared at him.

The events of this morning where burning in my mind as I wrote my lines which where plastered in big white chalky letter on the chalkboard, they read 'I will be respectful'.

I was at my 120th line when Draco hopped off the desk and trotted over to me. I ignored him as he leaned over my shoulder to see where I was at. I could feel his hot breath going down my breath and blurted out, "Please go away."

I said, annoyed. Draco walked back to desk after grumbling. A couple hours later it was past curfew and Draco began to get nervous.

I finished my 500th line quickly and slammed the papers down on Snapes desk. I looked up at Draco and he looked back at me.

I turned around slowly and he slid off the desk, we didn't break eyes contact.

We both slowly looked at the door and back at each other.

Without another thought I was racing towards the door, making sure to grab my book bag as I passed the desk I had been sitting at.

Draco was hot at my heels.

I made the mistake of looking over my shoulder to taunt him. I saw his face change from annoyed to satisfied before I was met with a terrible fate.

He stopped running, I was stunned and turned my head back around and saw it.

I toppled over a desk, head first. I hit my head quite hard on the concrete floor. An extraordinary pain lurched through my body and I held my head, trying to stabilize it.

I got up, still holding where I had hit my head, and stared Draco down. I pushed the desk away angrily and walked out the room. My face was red from embarrassment.

I turned the corner and whisked down the hallways. I turned another corner, desperate to get away, and rammed into a hard, muscular body. I was now face-to-face with Fred Weasly, George was snickering behind him.

I sucked in hard through my teeth. My head was now throbbing from both of the accidents and I looked into Fred's dazzling amber eyes. "You alright there, (Y/N)?"

He asked, his honey sweet voice soothed my ears and I smiled at him.

George noticed this and pushed his brother aside, eager to make me smile for him too. "Want me to walk you to Madam Pomfrey? You look a bit battered..." George asked me. I nodded and they took either of my hands, walking me down hallways and archways.

Fred finally spoke, "What are you doing out this late anyways?"

He asked me, gripping my hand tighter.

"I could ask you two the same thing."

Fred and George chuckled before I responded to their original question, "If you must know, I was in detention with Draco..." They both seemed to tense as his name slipped from my mouth.

"Well?" I asked them, demanding an answer for my question. "We were out with Hagrid for detention..." George said smiling at me. I nodded.

We walked the rest of the way and they left me after they each gave me a hug.

Howdy! I hope you enjoyed the story! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. My tiktok is SlitherySnakeGoWhoop go follow me please. Vote! Have a nice day my plushies!

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