Chapter 25

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4 Years Ago

Danny, Lily, and I all pick a scary movie from Danny's movie collection. It's our last summer night back home in Kansas before we go back to college. As Lily and Danny argue over each other's selections, I get lost in my own head.

I can't believe summer is over already. It was nice to be back home with Connie and Jack. I was able to find a part-time job at the local bookstore doing inventory to occupy my days. Danny was always busy with baseball so usually it was Lily and I hanging out on the weekends. We probably saw 75 movies. The staff at the AMC know us by name now.

"Sierra?" Lily's tone full of attitude.

"Sorry, I was zoning out. What's up?"

"Which movie should we watch first?" She and Danny and both looking at me, waiting.

"Let's do the usual."

They nod in agreement. We always have to make movie night decisions this way. I close my eyes and they hold up the three movies. I point to the left and open my eyes.

"Yes!" Danny exclaims with victory. Lily rolls her eyes as he goes to put the DVD in.

"Were you thinking about Wes?" She asks as she sits down and cuddles up next to me under the blankets.

"Yes, I am nervous to see him tomorrow..." I feel nauseous just thinking about it. He has been busy with basketball all summer and was very distant. We didn't get to talk much after I left, and when we did, he seemed disinterested.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. I don't think he would break up with you," Lily says confidently.

Danny takes a seat next to Sierra and gets cozy under the covers with us. I use that as an opportunity to change the topic. Hearing Lily even connect Wes to breaking up with me in the same sentence made me feel sick to my stomach.

"Are we ready to start the movie?" I try my best to swallow my nausea away.

"Yep! You know what that means. No more gossiping during the movie." Danny presses play on the remote and settles further into the big couch.

"Perfect," I say quietly enough that nobody hears.


I wake up to the sound of Connie's record player booming from upstairs. Lily's legs are over mine and her head rests on Danny's shoulder. His mouth is open and drooling. I can't help but laugh. I look at my two friends and take in the moment for another few minutes before I wake them. I feel a wave of anxiety wash over me as I realize I am going back to Oklahoma today. Not because of school, but because of Wes. Now I wake up Lily and Danny quickly because I can think too much about it.

"More sleep," Lily mumbles.

"I smell something really good. Let's go eat breakfast," I say nudging her shoulder again. Danny is wiping his slobber from his chin and is rubbing his eyes.

"What time is it?" Lily is definitely not a morning person.

"I don't know, but I'm hungry. I'm going upstairs," I say decidedly.

"Coming," Danny says with his tired voice.

"Ugh..." Lily gripes and slowly pushes the blankets off her.

We make our way upstairs and find a full spread of amazing looking breakfast foods on the kitchen island. Connie is standing at the stove cooking something that smells delicious. She is already dressed and ready for the day, so I assume she has been up for hours. I scan the foods and see everything from cereals to muffins, pastries, something that looks like a breakfast casserole, and breakfast potatoes.

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