1|"you're the only one who can break me."

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I woke up in the middle of night. I didn't realize how much sweat I had worked up. I wasn't nervous or anything or scared, I was OK. I laughed a little at myself. Sleeping at ALL since I came to the farm was tough.  Turning over in the bed, I reached for Konnor arm and felt nothing but the sheets.

Sitting up, I rub my eyes and look around. "Konnor?" I whispered, getting out of bed. Grabbing one of his shirts, I slung it over my body. I was creeping out of the room, carful not to wake ma and pa. From the hallway, I saw the door and his figure standing on the porch. He was awake? Why?

I smiled as I watched him lean on the deck, looking up at the sky. "What are you doing out here?" I asked in a low voice, wrapping my arms around his torso, as my cheek rested on his head or hair.

He sighed and laughed a bit. "Just enjoying the view." He looked up at me and I grinned. "Why are you awake?" He asks

Konner and I spoke eachothers languages. When we first met our bodies collided. I had never heard of English but I spoke it fluently and he had never studied Starrian but spoke every word perfectly.

"I had a dream." I replied, watching the sky. The stars that filled them and it reminded me a lot of home.

"Was it a bad one?" Asks Konnor, he turns to me with a narrowed brow. The pads of his thumbs caressed my cheeks gingerly as I shook my head.

"Not at all." I said, wiping my forehead. "It wasn't a bad dream, maybe a good one?" I went on, rolling my eyes as he continued to search for something, questioning me with his raised brow.

"Well, what was it about?"

"I can't remember." I frown, shaking my head. "All I remember is the feeling." And it was good...

Konnor and I had resided in Small ville for almost a year. His brother, Clark had introduced us to his adopted parents and we decided to stay. Mostly to hide and be away from court that is at the center of Metropolis. A rich palace for tourists but a control center for us. Konnor and I grew up together, in a way. When Krypton was destroyed him and his brother traveled together and somehow got separated. Clark, now known as Superman landed in Smallville and Konnor landed a couple miles away from court.

As for me, we share somewhat of the same story. My home was taken over when I was ten earth years. My parents sent me to earth and the first person I laid eyes on were his.

I touched the little scar on his forehead. "You are the only one who can break me." He said, kissing my matching scar. "Literally."

I laughed a bit. "How many times do I have to apologize for that." I asked him rolling my eyes. I landed on him quite literally. In my defense, I was unconscious and was put in a defense bubble. "I had no control of my body, and if we're going to go there, you sir had no idea how to fly."

He threw his head back in laughter. His hand covered his face. Looking at me he rolls his eyes. "Yeah, but I had a good teacher. I'm sure you know her. Very tall um," he tapped his chin "she's got this crazy white hair that looks like a cloud."

"She sounds familiar." I replied licking my lips "You wouldn't dare share another bed." I gasp dramatically as we laugh loudly.

"Sometimes, it doesn't feel real." Said Konnor, his eyes going back to the tall grass field ahead of us. "Any of it." And I agreed.

All my life, all I've known is war and fighting since the day I learned to walk. The North Star is a war planet. It has been for centuries. The strong survive, the weak are put out of their misery. When I came here, I was still fighting just not as hard.

"Sometimes I think Lex will find us and make us come back."

Hi! Sasha here, how is everyone?

I wanted to say thank you for reading the first chapter. The chapters will be longer don't worry. I am really excited for this and the ideas have literally been circling and the many rough drafts I have...BOY! you wouldn't believe it...

Anyways! Thanks again my Cavillians! 💕

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