2| Bad Apples

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"Sometimes, I think Lex will find us and make us go back."

I hugged her body tighter and bit the inside of my cheek. Our father was always manipulative. We were his soldiers. His executioners. It was always that way.


"I thought my job was to help metropolis? Save it from-"

"Save Metropolis from itself." Lex interrupts, looking at K'ronn and I. "Imagine a tree of apples and one of the apples in the tree is rotten on the inside." He walked around the office, back and forth explaining it to us. "One rotten fruit can ruin the rest. And Lord Winslow Schott?" He scoffed "He's rotting the rest. He's keeping what I want away from me and what I want is to be one of the chairmen who's sitting right next to Brainiac."

"Is that why we have to kill him." I said out loud. "Why not assign Mercy or-"

"Mercy is my personal bodyguard, Superboy." Said Lex, he rolled his eyes sort of and then looked to K'ronn. He was gonna ask her to do it and I nodded my head. "I'll do it..."

"Excellent." He nods "I'll have Mercy forward you the schedule."

When I left I heard Ronnie talking to him. She seemed a little pissed. "Father, you know he can't do it. Why didn't you choose me? I was born to kill-"

"Relax my pretty bird." He chuckled "There is no doubt you'll do what I ask. You enjoy it. I need to know if he's a defect."

I had never killed anyone before. I took the cowards way and waited until he was asleep and smothered him with a pillow. The look on his face as I took his breath away, wasn't as bad as the feeling I felt.

I was in the bathroom, trying to look at myself. "Open the door." Said Ronnie, her hands against the door, wiggling the handle.

I did and I saw her face. She looked concerned and I remember crying. "Damn it..."

"You did." She whispered, her arms cradled my head as I sobbed onto her shoulder.

I questioned everything I was raised to be. I wasn't helping if I was a killer...or maybe I was. "How do you do it?" I still don't understand it to this day how Ronnie can flip the switch.

"You are always going to be human. That human side of you that has feelings is always going to be apart of you." She told me, the pad of her thumb wiping my tears. "Be thankful for that. "

"That's never gonna happen." I say, looking up at her as our noses touched.

"I won't ask you to promise me that." She goes on and heads for the door. Her hands rest on the doorframe and she paused. "I don't know if it ever crossed your mind, but I'd like to think of the future. You and I forever, but then I remember how we are still running, I wonder if...I sometimes wonder if this is a fire or just a small flame..."

I frowned and scoffed. "Maybe you're right. Maybe we are both wasting our time?" Chasing something impossible... The realist that lived in her came out and jumped onto me. I gripped onto the wood and felt a little anger boil out. "What's the point right?" I shrug

When I looked up she was gone. I scoffed in disbelief and rolled my eyes. We had lived the same life and shared moments that would last a life time. We drank beer and smoked some of everything just to feel a little buzz. A small flame? All I needed was to depend on her and no amount of bodies I dropped after that day mattered.

The next morning ma was making breakfast and I woke up from the couch smelling pancakes.

"Morning." I say kissing her cheek as I yawn and stretch. "Where's pa?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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