Part 1

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Hello, my name is Fallensky. I'm the first Warrior in the clans that is Lesbian. That's correct, THE FIRST. Let me tell you my story- AND HOW III THE BESTTTT BROTHER EVERRR SUPPORTED HERRRR. SHuT UP. ugh brothers...

Chapter 1

I padded through the undergrowth, my mind racing as my gray striped tail flicked the dew speckled ferns. Oh Starclan, this is it, this is where I tell them... 

This was going to be the day I told my Parents I was a lesbian. I heard somewhere thats what twolegs call other  female twolegs who like girls, she-cats in a sense. I sniffed the air, to make sure they were in their den. They were. Oh gosh, don't let them hate me, or worse. 

I walked through the entrance to the den, trying to memorize what I was going to say, shrugging off the brambles clinging to my pelt. Hi mom, dad, I just wanted to say I'm-I like she-cats- nono! that's not good. Hello, good hunting? I just was thinking, and I might be a 'Lesbian cat' like what those twolegs have said... 

Before I could even blink, I was in front of them. My mother, SnowyDapple looked up, blue eyes blinking sleepily, my father sat beside her. 

My dad, CrookedBark stood up, Brown fur edged with red-brown flashing. Oh crap..."How are you, Fallensky?" My mom said, cocking her white head in utter confusion. I rarely visit them in their den. They knew something was different.

I could tell her confusion; my sleek gray, black and white fur was bushed up in anxiety. My green eyes narrowed. "Uhm, I LIKE RAINBOWS. AND SEXY SHE-CATs-" I burst out cringing at my own voice; my mom started, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

 "honey, are you saying..." My dad trailed off, eyes burning on my pelt. Foxdung, it wasn't supposed to go like this why can't my mouth work... "Mother, Father," I took a breath, I can do this, I smoothed my bristling fur. "I'm a Lesbian-err I like she-cats..." 


The first lesbian Warrior. (SHORT STORY)Where stories live. Discover now