Chapter 1

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I sat on the beach pulling the blanket closer around my arms as the ocean breeze from the Goon Docks blew gently against my skin and blew my dark chocolate brown hair in my face. I couldn't stop thinking about how I had never had a real relationship. My friends all had found someone, I was the third wheel every where now. I started dreaming up my dream guy. My dream guy would be a strong believer in anything he wanted to believe in. He would be cute and blush a lot. No matter what color his eyes were they would always sparkle and you could see the love in them. He would be strong and wise and no matter what he did everyone loved him. He had many friends they would tease him and make fun of him but they all knew that he was the best friend they could ever have and there was nobody else that could be a better best friend. I was broke from my thoughts.

"Well that's not something I see everyday"
A voice said behind me. I turned to face the male voice. It was Mikey I had seen him in school before and ever since he found One Eyed Willies treasure every girl talks about him so I can't go through school one day without hearing about his sparkling hazel eyes and super cute sandy blonde hair that falls perfectly into side bangs. The only I never noticed about Mikey was his hazel eyes because they were exactly like mine and his stutter. I would have to admit I did love his stutter it was slightly adorable but who didn't like guys who can't find there words.

"What? A girl out here alone trying to enjoy herself on the beach"
I said. He chuckled and sat down next to me.

"No a girl watching the sunset on Saturday night"
He said. I laughed.

"What's so surprising about that?"
I asked.

"Because I come out here every Saturday night to watch the sunset and I never saw a pretty girl here at the same time too"
He said. My cheeks became hot at him calling me pretty.

"Well I guess that is a surprise but I don't always just come to watch"
I said standing up. I dropped the blanket I had wrapped around me. He caught on and stood up.

"Yeah me too"
He said standing up and pulling off his shirt. I never expected him to have abs. I rolled my eyes at him and continues to reveal my bathing suit. He still had his on and I ran into the water before he could see my bikini I just wasn't comfortable. He soon got to the water where I was.

"It's almost here isn't it beautiful"
I said looking at him and then at the sun. I laid back down on the water so I couldn't hear anything but just see the sun setting. I heard Mikey mumble a few words but I couldn't make them out under the water. Once the sun had set I walked out of the water. Mikey ran after me as I started drying my hair with the towel I brought.

"Hey I never caught your name"
He said as I wrapped the towel around me.

"Brooklyn, but just call me Brooke"
I said. He smiled.

"That's a really pretty name"
He said. I got a little annoyed.

"And I'm sure your not worry about me knowing your name or anything"
I said kinda snobby.

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?"
He asked. I rolled my eyes to my self as I packed my things up and began walking away. I turned to face him.

"I actually thought that it wasn't all about your image while I was talking to you but you didn't even care to tell me your name because you think your so famous I already know it"
I said. He sighed.

"Don't always assume I was about to tell you my name right after that compliment"
He said still with that cheesy smile which was somehow still adorable.

"Next time save the compliment for after"
I said with a smile walking away.

"It's Mikey just so you know"
He yelled to me from behind.

"I know"
I yelled back still not turning around. I heard him laugh maybe this was the start of a good friendship. I put my cloths in my bag and just wrapped blanket over the towel that I already had swaddled around me. I walked into the house and my older brother was already waiting there for me.

"Brooklyn where have you been?"
He asked cold. I rolled my eyes.

"I watched the sunset again"
I answered.

"You know there are boys out there that try to pick up girls on the beach or someone could of kidnapped you"
He said. Oh my god him doing his stupid older brother crap again. My parents were probably still at work working late shifts so he always felt he was in charge. I just laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Good night"
I said to him then went upstairs. I changed out of my cloths and decided to go to bed.



Sorry for the short first chapter but the next one will be longer this was just a beginning to kinda set the story up for the path it was going to take! Love y'all!!😘

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