Chapter 2.

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Tues, January 8

After a long weekend of traveling with the team, I finally had time to relax. I was laid out on my bed, phone in one hand next to my ear, remote in the other. My two year old cousin, Makiyah, whom I babysit when I’m off, was fast asleep next to me.

"So when are you coming back out this way?" my friend, Destiny, questioned.

"What? Out to Annapolis?"

"Duh, you’re always in Baltimore."

"That’s ‘cause Baltimore is where it’s at" I laughed.

She chuckled.

"Pfft, yeah right."

"I can’t go out there anyway, I have a cousin to babysit, and jobs to go to."

"You still work at that restaurant on the corner?"

"Yes, I do. It’s the best I can do right now, the Ravens aren’t exactly paying me thousands of dollars to help out on the sideline or at the facility."

"Oh yeah, you do work for them" she added. Joe came into my mind, and I wanted to unscrew my head and sit it aside just so I wouldn’t think about him.

"Yeah, it’s nothing big."

I heard shuffling on the other end, before she spoke again.

"You got hella quiet during this topic. Are you still talking to him?"

"We’re not really talking, I’ve been avoiding him."

"Mhm, I guess you’re not fucking him daily either?"

I ignored her comment, trying to explain what was going on between us.

"Girl, you need to get over him."

"It’s not that easy-"

"Aaliyah, please just answer one question for me. What if he doesn’t divorce her, and move onto you? He’s going to have played you the WHOLE time. Is he really worth getting your heart hurt for?"

I sighed, looking out the window of the town house. Outside, I could hear car horns, talking, and dice hitting the concrete. Growing up in Baltimore, I’ve pretty much have gotten use to it.

"I’m already hurt. I don’t know what to believe at this point, he keeps putting off filing for divorce. Honestly, it’s frustrating."

"Don’t let him keep getting away with making you his side chick."

In my brain, I wanted to believe that Joe was the sweet, dorky guy that everyone knew, the guy that claimed he loved me, but he was cheating on his wife with me. They had some problems in their relationship which was why Joe approached me in the first place a year ago.

I met him at the Ravens’ training facility, and we instantly had  a connection.

 But he was Joe Flacco, so no one would believe that.

The Other Woman. [Joe Flacco Interr. Fanfiction] [*Book I*] Where stories live. Discover now