Chapter 2 On the drive

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*Joel's Pov*

I did not want to tell her it was my brother she was fighting because she would freak out and say hell no. My brother looked forward for this fight because he trained harder and harder for her to loose. Hunter would have won but if my brother did not hit her in the stomach and she buckled and she did something else but I'm not gonna say because I feel sorry for her.

My brother knows I'm dating her but he don't know that if he hurts her really bad Ian gonna hurt him . "Umm. I don't know I did not look for you this time I'm sorry?" Was all I could spit out hunter and Jacob both look at me very weirdly because I am the one who tells everyone there fight and I fight too. Everyone of my friends like her but she said "I was the person that she loved the most." Are generation is so determined with simple things like " If you have not dated anyone when you turn 10 years old you most likely won't date anyone, and if you are ,still a virgin when your 15 you never will lose it but I'm 15, and me and so many people has had a chance to do it." "Also me and hunter have had so many chances but she wants to wait and I really don't care."

My friends just keep trying to push me to fuck her with out her permission but I'm not that kind of person. "Hello are you there." they both yell at me. I looked at the clock and I have been thinking for about 5 minutes now , wow that made me feel like a retard. "Yeah were else would I be?" And I asked trying to save my self from looking so stupid but that did not work.

Jacob and Hunter looked at each other and started laughing at me. "In you sexy fanatics world or your robot world with hunter like last time!!!!" Jacob says trying to calm down from laughing so hard . "Stop that it weird" hunter says hitting him in the chest . "That was are secret Jacob "I say blushing and look at hunter and I smile awkwardly


Okay, so chapter 1 and this chapter are edited by my bestest friend ever @Woaheminem go follow her. Well I hoped you like it!


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