Tax intensives for Battery Energy Storage System

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Energy storage has become a hot topic gaining much public attention in recent years for many reasons. Solar energy is dependent on sunlight, and likewise, wind energy harness the power of the wind. In the case where these are absent, energy storage solutions such as batteries are required to ensure a steady flow of power and continuous supply during peak times. Hence, battery energy storage becomes an indispensable component of sustainability. Now, the government spurred tax incentives to encourage the deployment of energy storage systems. This is especially when it is being leveraged for solar facilities. If you are a homeowner considering solar energy, this could be the time to embrace the clean energy and include energy storage in your installation. The good thing is, you get to benefit from the tax incentives for the solar panel system with the installation of battery storage. Read more on these tax incentives as Boaz Augustin Madurai, a solar energy expert and more on tax incentives for battery energy storage systems in solar energy. 

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