five: school

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Scott yawned, struggling to keep his eyes open and pay attention to his teacher's lecture. The drone of his voice was just enough to make him nearly fall asleep, but he knew it'd be impolite if he did.

So, he came up with a way to stay awake. Every time he'd close his eyes for more than two seconds, he'd pinch himself. Original, isn't it?

But as class went on, that method was effective, but quite annoying and painful after a certain amount of time. He didn't like it, but he'd do whatever it takes to stay awake.

He'll just take a nap at lunch time.

Scott frowned down at his desk, regretting his decision to stay up so late. How Zander and Charlie pulled it off was just mind boggling.

But then again, they sleep during the day, so that's a little bit different.

"Class dismissed," their professor said, and he let out a sigh of relief as he packed his books into his bag and went out into the hall.

It's a good thing it was lunch period, because if he had to go through another lecture, he'd surely pass out after another 20 minutes.

After a quick trip to his locker, he grabbed his lunch, then making sure to not bump into anyone on the way to the cafeteria.

Quickly, he weaved through the crowd without problem, no students even noticing as he slinked past silently. It was a skill he developed during freshman year.

When he finally made his way to the lunch room, he stepped inside, scanning the tables for the familiar faces from his group of friends.

He soon spotted them, a small smile on his face as he noticed Brandon waving his arms at him wildly.

Scott walked toward them, then sliding into an empty seat next to Tori. Her nose was buried in a book, and she grunted as he sat down to acknowledge his presence.

"Hey Scotch," Charlie said brightly, stealing a chip from Zander's lunch. "How ya doin'?" She asked, blue eyes focused on him.

He shrugged, giving her a smile. "Alright, I suppose. And you?"

"I'm doin' awesome, as usual. Sean carried my backpack on my way to math."

Zander choked on his sandwich, coughing loudly and pounding his chest at the mention of his rival. Several minutes passed and soon, he was fine again, his face bright red as he took another bite.

Charlie was staring at him with wide eyes, her brows furrowed. Clearly, she was confused by what just happened, but she continued anyway. "Um... Did you know one of my friends is transferring here?"

Renee looked up from her lunch, dabbing the corners of her mouth with a napkin. "Really, dear? Who is it?"

"Yeah, who is it?" Zander asked, putting down his food and glancing at the short female.

"You guys remember Fae, right?"

Tori glanced over her book taking off her glasses and beaming. "Aw, Flutters is coming here?"

Scott froze as he heard Tori say 'Flutters', reminded by the extremely talented photographer on Tumblr. Could it be the same one?

"Yep, she is!" Charlie chirped, stealing yet another chip from Zander. "She told me she's coming in next week, I think."

"Oh my goshy, that's amazing! We should throw a party for her! An animal party, because she love love loooooooves animals! What do you think Berry Werry?" Penny practically shouted, her face filled with excitement.

"Yep yep yep, we tooooootally should! Fae will love it, right?" Brandon answered just as loudly, dropping the cupcake in his hands. "It's official, then! We'll have a welcome party!"

Charlie smiled nervously, nodding with hesitance. "Just don't make it too crazy, alright? She's kinda.... Jumpy?"

"Not crazy, got it!" The two party planners said simultaneously, looking at each other with wide grins.

"Jinx!" They said together.

Scott looked down, remembering his lunch. Slowly, he took out his sandwich and unwrapped it, taking a bite.

Surely, this Fae wasn't the owner of Flutterography, right? What were the odds of that happening?

Flutters is probably a common nickname, anyway, he'd reassure himself.

It was a common nickname, right?

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