Prolouge: Transcripts of a notebook

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Addendum 1: Transcripts of a found notebook, belonging to one of the subjects.

[Entry 1, First written entry in notebook]

Something weird has happened to us. We couldn't quite tell what at first, but we did remember a certain dream we had.

This also happened two months after Touka's wedding. Not sure if that's relevant to what happened, but i'll put it here, just in case.

It started off with me and six other... figures, in some sort of white landscape. Soon after, a booming voice started to call out to us, saying that we were 'worthy' of their 'gift'. We didn't know what it meant by that, but we assumed that this event was going to be important.

Nevertheless, we all woke up at the same time, 3:43 AM. That's when the 'gift' was brought upon us.

I heard Rikka scream in pain, so I went to her room as fast as i could. She was standing up, crying while clutching her right eye, which seemed to be glowing. I quickly embraced her, and said that it's going to be okay, even though I had no idea what was going on. But while hugging her, I saw my own hands glow a purple like colour. I also felt a tingling sensation in them.

The next day, we met up with each other in the old clubroom. There, we got to know the others' experiences. Dekomori apparently saw some sort of golden aura when she looked in the mirror. Nibutani suddenly had her Morisummer attire on, and Kumin apparently grew... wings? In any case, we could deduce what the 'gift' could have been.

All of a sudden, Touka appeared out of nowhere. This time however, even she was confused on how she got there. She also overheard us talking about what happened, and she shared her experience as well. Basically, she nearly got robbed, and pulled her ladle out as a self-defense weapon. But it seemingly transformed into an actual weapon, to her suprise.

Shichimiya also walked in, saying that she also had experienced something similar. Almost as soon as she woke up, she saw her wand floating in mid air, along with her scarf.

That makes six of us then. We have also decided to test our magic powers, and how powerful they really are. We're planning to do this on a saturday night, in an open location, so nobody suspects anything.

Notes: We have confirmation on the names of six subjects. The dream sequence suggests that there is another unknown subject.

-Dr. ████████

[Entry 2]
So we tested our magic powers. They are a LOT more powerful than we expected.

Starting off with Rikka, she did the whole 'Vanishment This World' thing. She actually transported us to an alternate dimension! She also summoned her weapon, and it was bigger than I had imagined it to be.

Since we were already in another dimension, we continued testing our powers there, because we didn't want to risk harming other people.

Dekomori was next, and her results were similar to Rikka's, but she wielded a giant hammer with a gun as the top part, if that makes any sense.

Shichimiya tried something different, she did some sort of magical girl transformation, the one you always see in, like, shows with magical girls, but whatever. Point is, it worked, and the transformation was beautiful, actually. Rikka got a bit jealous of her, too.

Kumin did something similar as well, but she instead turned into some kind of angel, with the wings and everything. Rikka got really jealous this time, saying that she needs to find out how the heck they're doing that.

Next was Nibutani. She tried summoning her weapons first, and it worked. Next, she wanted to check if she could turn into her Morisummer form. Again, it worked.

Touka was second to last, and she summoned her weapon, which looks like a giant white and gold spoon, with no problems.

Finally, it was my turn. I summoned my generic ability, Dark Flame, and... It was very effective. And that's an understatement. The range of fire was longer and wider than I had anticipated.

That concluded our testing. The results were very clear; we have amazing powers. We'll see what we can do with them next time.

We've also agreed not to tell anyone that we have powers, for obvious reasons.

Notes: We have written evidence that the subjects could be responsible for the anomalous events happening around █████, Japan. MTF Lambda-5 (White Rabbits) has been sent out to attempt to locate and traverse the custom-made pocket dimensions.

-Dr. ██████████

Update: Lambda-5 successfully located and traversed the pocket dimensions. Next step is the locating, and the subsequent containment, of the six confirmed subjects. Mobile Task Force Iota-10 will be utilized for this.

-Dr. ████████

[Entry 3]
So it's been a few weeks since i've written anything here, but we were having fun with our powers.

Not only did we discover that, not only Rikka, but any one of us could make portals to other dimensions. Some of them were mirrors of our dimension, some were like wastelands, and some of them were similar to worlds that you would see in an 'Isekai'.

Nevertheless, we got used to our powers, and had more precise control over them.

But a few hours ago, Isshiki walked into our clubroom, holding the Mabinogion. He seemed to be asking people if anyone had dropped it, because he found it in front of him while walking through the school hallways. Shortly after, Nibutani wanted to attack Isshiki, saying that he should burn it, but she was quickly tackled by Dekomori. They, of course, started fighting again. He decided to just put it on the kotatsu.

He also got worried about me and Rikka for some reason, asking us what we've been doing lately. I think he was getting suspicious about us and our powers. He even said that he saw us meeting, while walking home.

I quickly came up with an excuse, but honestly, I don't think he bought it. But even if Isshiki knew of our powers, he would still keep it secret... right?

On second thought, he wouldn't really tell anyone, because people wouldn't believe him, would they?

Notes: Possible person of interest found. Plans to locate, and interview said person are in progress.

-Dr. ██████████

[Entry 4, written in a rushed manner]
I don't really have time to write so I'll make this quick I just fucked up trying to make an alternate dimension now there are several monsters roaming in our neighbourhood I have to kill them ASAP so that they don't hurt anyone

Also I think the cops saw the monsters I hope they didn't see me as well.

Notes: After transcribing this entry, the notebook suddenly disappeared. Attempts to locate and contain the six confirmed subjects are ongoing.
Seventh speculated subject is yet to be identified.

-Dr. █████

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